This is the front-end for Grasshopper, CFPB's work-in-progress geocoder. Expect to be able to geocode individual addresses as well as batches of addresses from files or piped in from other APIs.
Our working prototype can be found running in gh-pages
- Node
- Grunt
- Mapbox.js (for now)
First run
$ npm install
To view the site run
$ grunt
The site should now be live at http://localhost:9001
It uses grunt-contrib-connect, grunt-connect-proxy to handle the API call, and connect-livereload.
Follow the Docker instructions in the grasshopper repo.
Note - There is a dev setup for easier development.
We are still in the prototyping phase so there is a lot of ongoing work and errors could occur at anytime.
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.