This repo is home for our submissions for the monthly assignements of the course CS60002 - Distributed Systems
Part 1 repo:
- /assignments - Problem statements for the monthly assignments
- /broker - Server for the broker service for the logging queue, which is dockerized
- /broker-manager - Server for the broker manager service for the logging queue, which is dockerized
- /sdk - Contains Python client library - disqueue to use the logging queue service
Docker, Docker Compose
From the root of the cloned repo run the following commands
- Start the manager instances:
docker compose --file ./docker-compose-managers.yml up --build
- Wait till managers and start the broker instances:
docker compose --file ./docker-compose-brokers.yml up --build
Checkout /broker-manager/
- 19CS10020 - Bhushan Ram Malani
- 19CS10068 - Jayanth Yindukuri
- 19CS10023 - Pavan Sai Chandra
- 19CS30038 - Ravi Sri Ram Chowdary
- 19CS30045 - Sirusolla Sri Bharath