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SSASoft Backoffice

This is written for Singapore Soka Association for their daily needs in office operation. This will version 2 using laravel and quasar framework with mariadb.


Installation of the Docker Container into development computer

  1. Refer to the below link to do the installation of docker container


Install with necessary data and tools to start the development of the backoffice v2

  1. Install arcanedev/log-viewer so that we can view the logs

    composer require arcanedev/log-viewer:~4.7.0
    • You can refer to the below link for more information in installation


    • php artisan log-viewer:publish -> To run the log-viewer

    • In the resources/views/vendor/log-viewer/bootstrap-4/_master.blade.php

      <title>LogViewer - Created by ARCANEDEV</title>
      to change to as below or whatever title for the page you want
      <title>SSASoft Logs - BackOffice</title>
    • In the config/log-viewer

      'route'         => [
        'enabled'    => true,
        'attributes' => [
            'prefix'     => '***CHANGE THIS prefix***',
            'middleware' => env('ARCANEDEV_LOGVIEWER_MIDDLEWARE') ? explode(',', env('ARCANEDEV_LOGVIEWER_MIDDLEWARE')) : null,
    • In the browser, type below to view the logs
  2. Loading the tables in MariaDB (Please ensure you have setup your DB in .env correctly before running below command)

    php artisan migrate


    php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

    The above code is to delete all the tables and install a fresh new database with seed data.

  3. Loading the default data for MariaDB

    php artisan db:seed
  4. Loading Dummy Data for SSA Members (If you need it. It is not included inside the above seed)

    php artisan db:seed --class=MembersmSSASeeder
  5. If the docker container does not run quasar, run the following command in docker

    npm install
    npm install @quasar/cli
    npm install @vue/cli
    npm install vue-router
  6. Because Laravel needs index.php to works, so need to re-copy the file over from another folder.

    cp /var/www/html/defaultpublic/* /var/www/html/public/

Laravel License

The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Quasar License

Copyright (c) 2015-present Razvan Stoenescu MIT License


Laravel with Quasar Framework







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