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Andrew Lambert edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 12 revisions

Method Signatures

 Function SetCookie(Name As String, Value As String, Domain As String, Expires As Date = Nil, Path As String = "", HTTPOnly As Boolean = False) As Boolean
 Function SetCookie(RawCookie As String) As Boolean


SetCookie(String, String, String, Date, String, Boolean)

Name Type Comment
Name String The name of the cookie.
Value String The value of the cookie.
Domain String The domain of the cookie.
Expires Date Optional. If specified, the expiration date of the cookie.
Path String Optional. If specified, the remote path of the cookie.
HTTPOnly Boolean Optional. If True, the HTTP-only attribute of the cookie is set.


Name Type Comment
RawCookie String A raw cookie string.

Return value

Returns true if the operation succeeded; if it returns false then check EasyHandle.LastError.


Sets a cookie for the cookie engine to use. If a cookie with the same name and domain already exists it will be updated. If no domain is specified then the cookie will be sent with all transfers and cannot be modified by a server-set cookie; always specify a domain if more than one server will be contacted.

When setting a raw cookie string, you may pass either Netscape cookie jar lines or HTTP Set-Cookie header lines. (See: CookieEngine.StringValue for details.)

If no expiration date is specified then the cookie will be a "session" cookie.

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