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(ns profile.github
    [    :refer [cover-letter resume clojure-job-offers]]
    [profile.side-effects     :refer [send-email update-cover-letter]]
    [profile.accomplish-goals :refer [crush-interview! accept-offer!]]))

(def about-me
  {:name  "Chase Lambert"
   :email "[email protected]"
   :desc  "I am a self taught developer who has experience building full stack web apps.
           I am looking for a new role using Clojure/ClojureScript.
           Frontend experience: Reagent, Re-Frame, Fulcro, Tailwind
           Backend experience: Ring, Reitit, Integrant, Jetty, HugSQL (Postgres)
           I prefer remote but will consider relocation within the US.
           I have mainly focused on web development but am open to other projects as well"})

(def profile-links
  {:github   ""
   :linkedin ""})

(def projects
  {:epistemic-data  {:repo ""
                     :desc "Clojure SDK for the AT Protocol (open protocol behind
                            Bluesky, etc.)"}
   :aidegenie       {:url  ""
                     :repo ""
                     :desc "Full stack Clojure/ClojureScript app that helps teachers 
                            build lesson plans and materials using OpenAI technologies."}

   :distance-finder {:url  ""
                     :repo ""
                     :desc "Final project for Harvard's CS50 course 
                            Built using Python with Flask"}})

(def profile (merge about-me profile-links projects))

(defn send-job-application [profile cover-letter resume job-offer]
  (let [app     (assoc profile :cover-letter cover-letter :resume resume)
        contact (:email job-offer)]
    (send-email app contact)))

(defn find-new-job [job-offers]
  (doseq [{:keys [desc location offer-package] :as offer} job-offers
          :when (and (= desc "interesting challenge")
                     (= location :remote-or-enticing-offer-to-relocate)
                     (= offer-package :exciting))
          :let [letter (update-cover-letter cover-letter)]]
    (send-job-application profile letter resume offer)

  (find-new-job clojure-or-rust-job-offers))

Pinned Loading

  1. epistemic-data/atproto-clojure epistemic-data/atproto-clojure Public

    Forked from goshatch/atproto-clojure

    🦋 atproto Clojure SDK


  2. distancefinder distancefinder Public

    Final Project for Harvard's CS50 course
