A website for moms to collaberate and view resources.
This is a React/Flask application. Currently, it allows users create, edit, and delete an account, as well as to view and review others' toy recommendations, and post their own.
More features such as chat rooms, baby gear recommendations, and service recommendations, are coming soon.
The front end was written in React.js and Bootstrap, and Python Flask for the backend.
Fork the Repository on Github.
In your terminal:
Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
Navigate to the root of the Project Directory.
Install npm: npm Install
Create a virtual environment and install the project dependencies: Pipenv install.
Activate the Virtual Environment: Pipenv shell
Seed the database: Python server/seed.py
Run the server: python server/app.py
In a different tab in your terminal, navigate to the client directory. Run the front end: npm start