Save javabeans to a spreadsheet, or parse a spreadsheet into javabeans.
- Annotation based mapping
- Support Excel, CSV and other spreadsheet types
- Complex type handling
- Saving features
- Show errors in cells (if needed)
- Optional header
- Parsing features
- Map by column name or column index
- Parse a sheet without a header
The following will use Excel type (*.xlsx
) as an example. For other spreadsheet types, check corresponding docs.
Click this to find the latest version, and add it to your project with maven or gradle.
public class Player {
@SsColumn(index = 0, name = "Id")
private long id;
@SsColumn(index = 1) // the column name will be decided as "Birth Country"
private String birthCountry;
@SsColumn(index = 2, typeHandler = FullNameTypeHandler.class) //complex prop type
private FullName fullName;
//The enum's name() will be saved. You can use a typeHandler to change it
@SsColumn(index = 3)
private SportType sportType;
@SsColumn(index = 4, format = "yyyy/MM/dd") //date format
private LocalDate birthDate;
//if you prefer saving timestamp as number
@SsColumn(index = 5, typeHandler = TimestampAsMillisHandler.class)
private LocalDateTime createdWhen;
OfficeSsioTemplate.defaultInstance().toSheet(players, Player.class, outputStream, false);
List<Player> players = OfficeSsioTemplate.defaultInstance()
.toBeans(inputStream, Player.class, true);
You can get more control by using more parameters, and can get more details from a result data structure .
The following will use Excel type (*.xlsx
) as an example. For other spreadsheet types, check corresponding docs.
SaveParam<Player> saveParam =
new OfficeSaveParamBuilder<Player>()
.setCreateHeader(false) //no header
.setStillSaveIfDataError(false) //if there is data error, don't write to output
//put datum error stack trace in the cell
(datumError) -> datumError.getStackTrace())
SsioManager ssioManager = new SsioManagerImpl(new OfficeWorkbookFactory()); //IoC friendly
SaveResult saveResult =;
//It will tell which bean's which property is wrong and why
ParseParam<Player> parseParam = new OfficeParseParamBuilder<Player>()
//e.g. column 3 -> bean property "foo"
.setSheetHasHeader(false) //The sheet has no header row
//In a multi-sheet Excel file, find the target sheet
SsioManager ssioManager = new SsioManagerImpl(new OfficeWorkbookFactory()); //IoC friendly
ParseResult<Player> parseResult = ssioManager.parse(parseParam);
List<Player> parsedPlayers = parseResult.getBeans();
//It will tell which cell is wrong and why
- @SsColumn can be applied to getter/setter methods
- @SsColumn defined in parent classes will be inherited
- During parsing, blank rows will be ignored
- Sep4j is a precursor of this library