This is a demonstrantion of using Amazon Textextract and Amazon polly to extract text from images and generate audio files from it, allowing you to hear it later.
- Docker
- Docker Compose - Only to run web app locally
- awscli
- Pre configured AWS credentials
- Pre configured VPC with minimun of 2 public subnets
First you need to create a S3 bucket to store our application lambda code. (That will be used in CloudFormation Later)
Note: Replace <MY_BUCKET_NAME> to a bucket name that you are going to use. (Take note of the choosen bucket name)
aws s3 mb s3://<MY_BUCKET_NAME>
ZIPing (compressing) the lambda code.
cd lambda_textract/ && zip ../
cd ../lambda_polly && zip ../
cd ../
Uploading the lambda packages to the S3 bucket that we have created in the prior step.
aws s3 cp s3://<MY_BUCKET_NAME>/lambda/
aws s3 cp s3://<MY_BUCKET_NAME>/lambda/
Now we need to create two stacks using the CloudFormation template, available in ./cloudFormation/ folder
This CloudFormation template will provision all the components to extract the text from the image files using Textract, publishing it into the S3 bucket to be converted in audio using Polly.
- Run the follow command to provision the first structure to the demo: (Replace all the command line parameters by the proper values) <>
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name audio-notes-stack --template-body file://cloudformation/audionotesstack.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=<NEW_BUCKET_NAME> ParameterKey=BucketLambdaCode,ParameterValue=<BUCKET_NAME_THAT_WE_PROVISIONED_BEFORE> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
After the provisioning, sign-in to the AWS console, and search for Cloudformation in the Services tab.
Search for audio-notes-stack and click on it, go to the Outputs tab and get the BucketName and the ECRRepositoryArn. These info will be needed in the next steps.
Before we create the ECS cluster stack, we need to create and push the Docker image of the web application to the ECR Repository that we have created before.
In the AWS console, search for ECR in Services tab.
Search for the ECR repository that we created with the stack before (the name would be python-polly-textract), and click on it.
Click on View push commands.
Go to web_app/ and follow the instructions below, that will push to ECR a Docker image with a tag latest:
- The result should sound like this:
- Copy the Image URI. We will use it later on in the demo.
The CloudFormation template below will provision an ECS cluster to host the Web Application, that we will use to upload the images to the S3 bucket, and later download the generated audio files from the S3.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name audio-notes-ecs --template-body file://cloudformation/ecsstack.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ServiceName,ParameterValue=<SERVICE_NAME> ParameterKey=ImageUrl,ParameterValue=<ECR_IMAGE_URL> ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=<BUCKET_CREATED_ABOVE_BY_CF> ParameterKey=VpcId,ParameterValue=<ID_OF_VPC_TO_PROVISION_OUR_CLUSTER> ParameterKey=VpcCidr,ParameterValue=<CIDR_OF_THE_VPC> ParameterKey=PubSubnet1Id,ParameterValue=<ID_OF_THE_FIRST_PUB_SUB> ParameterKey=PubSubnet2Id,ParameterValue=<ID_OF_THE_SECOND_PUB_SUB> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
This is an example on how the command above should looks like:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name audio-notes-ecs --template-body file://cloudformation/ecsstack.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ServiceName,ParameterValue=python-service ParameterKey=ImageUrl, ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=textract-polly-demo-aapds ParameterKey=VpcId,ParameterValue=vpc-xxxxxxxxxx ParameterKey=VpcCidr,ParameterValue=X.X.X.X/X ParameterKey=PubSubnet1Id,ParameterValue=subnet-xxxxxxxx ParameterKey=PubSubnet2Id,ParameterValue=subnet-xxxxxxxx --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Go to the AWS console and follow this option path: Services>CloudFormation>audio-notes-ecs>Outputs, get the Load Balancer DNS name to access the application in the browser.
Access the DNS address of the ELB, provisioned by our CloudFormation stack.
- Go to the "Upload Image" option in the App menu.
Select an Image you would like to Upload. This action will trigger the process of the Architecture Diagram above and convert the image text in an audio file.
You will see the generated audio file, and you will be able to Download and listen it.
- Delete all the files inside of the provisioned S3 bucket.
aws s3 rm s3://<BUCKET_NAME_THAT_WAS_PROVISIONED_BY_CF> --recursive
Delete the container image, inside the ECR Repository.
Delete the CloudFormation stacks.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name audio-notes-stack
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name audio-notes-ecs
- Delete the S3 bucket that we used to store the lambda codes.
aws s3 rb s3://<MY_BUCKET_NAME> --force
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