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ucbjrl committed Sep 14, 2017
2 parents a5e07f4 + 6a57642 commit d717ddc
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Showing 44 changed files with 506 additions and 255 deletions.
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ c_resources_dir := src/main/resources

test_outs := $(addprefix $(targetDir)/, $(addsuffix .out, $(test_results)))

.PHONY: smoke publish-local check clean jenkins-build coverage scaladoc test checkstyle compile
.PHONY: smoke publish-local pubishLocal check clean jenkins-build coverage scaladoc test checkstyle compile

default: publish-local
default: publishLocal

smoke compile:
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) compile

$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) publish-local
publish-local publishLocal:
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) publishLocal

$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) test
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ site:
# We need to run the coverage tests last, since Jenkins will fail the build if it can't find their results.
jenkins-build: clean
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) test
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) clean publish-local
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) clean publishLocal
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) scalastyle coverage test
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) coverageReport

Expand All @@ -87,3 +87,8 @@ $(targetDir)/%.h: $(c_resources_dir)/%.h

$(targetDir)/%.out: $(targetDir)/%
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) "test:runMain ChiselTests.MiniChisel $(notdir $(basename $<)) $(CHISEL_FLAGS) --test --targetDir $(targetDir)"

# The "last-resort" rule.
# We assume the target is something like "+clean".
$(SBT) $(SBT_FLAGS) $@
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Chisel3
Chisel3 is a new Firrtl based chisel.
It is currently in BETA VERSION, so some Chisel features may change in the coming months.

Chisel is a new hardware construction language to support advanced hardware design and circuit generation.
The latest version of [Chisel]( is Chisel3,
which uses Firrtl as an intermediate hardware representation language.

Chisel3 is currently in BETA VERSION, so some Chisel features may change in the coming months.

Please visit the [Wiki]( for a more
detailed description.
Expand Down
60 changes: 39 additions & 21 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,47 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.




import UnidocKeys._

lazy val customUnidocSettings = unidocSettings ++ Seq (
doc in Compile := (doc in ScalaUnidoc).value,
target in unidoc in ScalaUnidoc := crossTarget.value / "api"


def scalacOptionsVersion(scalaVersion: String): Seq[String] = {
Seq() ++ {
// If we're building with Scala > 2.11, enable the compile option
// switch to support our anonymous Bundle definitions:
CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion) match {
case Some((2, scalaMajor: Int)) if scalaMajor < 12 => Seq()
case _ => Seq("-Xsource:2.11")

def javacOptionsVersion(scalaVersion: String): Seq[String] = {
Seq() ++ {
// Scala 2.12 requires Java 8. We continue to generate
// Java 7 compatible code for Scala 2.11
// for compatibility with old clients.
CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion) match {
case Some((2, scalaMajor: Int)) if scalaMajor < 12 =>
Seq("-source", "1.7", "-target", "1.7")
case _ =>
Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8")

lazy val commonSettings = Seq (
organization := "edu.berkeley.cs",
version := "3.0-SNAPSHOT_2017-08-16",
git.remoteRepo := "[email protected]:ucb-bar/chisel3.git",
version := "3.0-SNAPSHOT_2017-09-14",
git.remoteRepo := "[email protected]:freechipsproject/chisel3.git",
autoAPIMappings := true,
scalaVersion := "2.11.11",
crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.11.11", "2.12.3"),
resolvers ++= Seq(
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-feature"),
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-feature") ++ scalacOptionsVersion(scalaVersion.value),
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value,
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full),
// Use the root project's unmanaged base for all sub-projects.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,8 +72,8 @@ lazy val publishSettings = Seq (
Expand All @@ -77,7 +95,7 @@ lazy val publishSettings = Seq (

val defaultVersions = Map("firrtl" -> "1.0-SNAPSHOT_2017-08-16")
val defaultVersions = Map("firrtl" -> "1.0-SNAPSHOT_2017-09-14")

lazy val chiselSettings = Seq (
name := "chisel3",
Expand All @@ -89,13 +107,13 @@ lazy val chiselSettings = Seq (
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.1" % "test",
"org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % "1.13.4" % "test",
"com.github.scopt" %% "scopt" % "3.5.0"
"com.github.scopt" %% "scopt" % "3.6.0"

// Tests from other projects may still run concurrently.
parallelExecution in Test := true,

javacOptions ++= Seq("-target", "1.7")
javacOptions ++= javacOptionsVersion(scalaVersion.value)

lazy val coreMacros = (project in file("coreMacros")).
Expand All @@ -112,14 +130,14 @@ lazy val root = RootProject(file("."))

lazy val chisel = (project in file(".")).
buildInfoPackage := name.value,
buildInfoOptions += BuildInfoOption.BuildTime,
buildInfoUsePackageAsPath := true,
buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](buildInfoPackage, version, scalaVersion, sbtVersion)
settings(commonSettings: _*).
settings(customUnidocSettings: _*).
settings(chiselSettings: _*).
settings(publishSettings: _*).
// Prevent separate JARs from being generated for coreMacros and chiselFrontend.
Expand Down
162 changes: 77 additions & 85 deletions chiselFrontend/src/main/scala/chisel3/core/Aggregate.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,104 +76,26 @@ sealed abstract class Aggregate extends Data {
private[core] override def connectFromBits(that: Bits)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo,
compileOptions: CompileOptions): Unit = {
var i = 0
val bits = Wire(UInt(this.width), init=that) // handles width padding
val bits = WireInit(UInt(this.width), that) // handles width padding
for (x <- flatten) {
x.connectFromBits(bits(i + x.getWidth - 1, i))
i += x.getWidth

object Vec {
trait VecFactory {
/** Creates a new [[Vec]] with `n` entries of the specified data type.
* @note elements are NOT assigned by default and have no value
def apply[T <: Data](n: Int, gen: T)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] = new Vec(gen.chiselCloneType, n)

@deprecated("Vec argument order should be size, t; this will be removed by the official release", "chisel3")
def apply[T <: Data](gen: T, n: Int)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] = new Vec(gen.chiselCloneType, n)

/** Creates a new [[Vec]] composed of elements of the input Seq of [[Data]]
* nodes.
* @note input elements should be of the same type (this is checked at the
* FIRRTL level, but not at the Scala / Chisel level)
* @note the width of all output elements is the width of the largest input
* element
* @note output elements are connected from the input elements
def apply[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T]): Vec[T] = macro VecTransform.apply_elts

def do_apply[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T])(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] = {
// REVIEW TODO: this should be removed in favor of the apply(elts: T*)
// varargs constructor, which is more in line with the style of the Scala
// collection API. However, a deprecation phase isn't possible, since
// changing apply(elt0, elts*) to apply(elts*) causes a function collision
// with apply(Seq) after type erasure. Workarounds by either introducing a
// DummyImplicit or additional type parameter will break some code.

// Check that types are homogeneous. Width mismatch for Elements is safe.
elts.foreach(requireIsHardware(_, "vec element"))

val vec = Wire(new Vec(cloneSupertype(elts, "Vec"), elts.length))

// TODO: try to remove the logic for this mess
elts.head.direction match {
case ActualDirection.Input | ActualDirection.Output | ActualDirection.Unspecified =>
// When internal wires are involved, driver / sink must be specified explicitly, otherwise
// the system is unable to infer which is driver / sink
(vec zip elts).foreach(x => x._1 := x._2)
case ActualDirection.Bidirectional(_) =>
// For bidirectional, must issue a bulk connect so subelements are resolved correctly.
// Bulk connecting two wires may not succeed because Chisel frontend does not infer
// directions.
(vec zip elts).foreach(x => x._1 <> x._2)
def apply[T <: Data](n: Int, gen: T)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] = {
if (compileOptions.declaredTypeMustBeUnbound) {
requireIsChiselType(gen, "vec type")
new Vec(gen.chiselCloneType, n)

/** Creates a new [[Vec]] composed of the input [[Data]] nodes.
* @note input elements should be of the same type (this is checked at the
* FIRRTL level, but not at the Scala / Chisel level)
* @note the width of all output elements is the width of the largest input
* element
* @note output elements are connected from the input elements
def apply[T <: Data](elt0: T, elts: T*): Vec[T] = macro VecTransform.apply_elt0

def do_apply[T <: Data](elt0: T, elts: T*)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] =
apply(elt0 +: elts.toSeq)

/** Creates a new [[Vec]] of length `n` composed of the results of the given
* function applied over a range of integer values starting from 0.
* @param n number of elements in the vector (the function is applied from
* 0 to `n-1`)
* @param gen function that takes in an Int (the index) and returns a
* [[Data]] that becomes the output element
def tabulate[T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: (Int) => T): Vec[T] = macro VecTransform.tabulate

def do_tabulate[T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: (Int) => T)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] =
apply((0 until n).map(i => gen(i)))

/** Creates a new [[Vec]] of length `n` composed of the result of the given
* function repeatedly applied.
* @param n number of elements (amd the number of times the function is
* called)
* @param gen function that generates the [[Data]] that becomes the output
* element
@deprecated("Vec.fill(n)(gen) is deprecated. Please use Vec(Seq.fill(n)(gen))", "chisel3")
def fill[T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: => T): Vec[T] = macro VecTransform.fill

def do_fill[T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: => T)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] =

/** Truncate an index to implement modulo-power-of-2 addressing. */
private[core] def truncateIndex(idx: UInt, n: Int)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): UInt = {
val w = BigInt(n-1).bitLength
Expand All @@ -184,6 +106,8 @@ object Vec {

object Vec extends VecFactory

/** A vector (array) of [[Data]] elements. Provides hardware versions of various
* collection transformation functions found in software array implementations.
Expand All @@ -208,7 +132,7 @@ object Vec {
* - when multiple conflicting assignments are performed on a Vec element, the last one takes effect (unlike Mem, where the result is undefined)
* - Vecs, unlike classes in Scala's collection library, are propagated intact to FIRRTL as a vector type, which may make debugging easier
sealed class Vec[T <: Data] private (gen: => T, val length: Int)
sealed class Vec[T <: Data] private[core] (gen: => T, val length: Int)
extends Aggregate with VecLike[T] {
private[core] override def typeEquivalent(that: Data): Boolean = that match {
case that: Vec[T] =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,6 +250,74 @@ sealed class Vec[T <: Data] private (gen: => T, val length: Int)

object VecInit {
/** Creates a new [[Vec]] composed of elements of the input Seq of [[Data]]
* nodes.
* @note input elements should be of the same type (this is checked at the
* FIRRTL level, but not at the Scala / Chisel level)
* @note the width of all output elements is the width of the largest input
* element
* @note output elements are connected from the input elements
def apply[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T]): Vec[T] = macro VecTransform.apply_elts

def do_apply[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T])(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] = {
// REVIEW TODO: this should be removed in favor of the apply(elts: T*)
// varargs constructor, which is more in line with the style of the Scala
// collection API. However, a deprecation phase isn't possible, since
// changing apply(elt0, elts*) to apply(elts*) causes a function collision
// with apply(Seq) after type erasure. Workarounds by either introducing a
// DummyImplicit or additional type parameter will break some code.

// Check that types are homogeneous. Width mismatch for Elements is safe.
elts.foreach(requireIsHardware(_, "vec element"))

val vec = Wire(new Vec(cloneSupertype(elts, "Vec"), elts.length))

// TODO: try to remove the logic for this mess
elts.head.direction match {
case ActualDirection.Input | ActualDirection.Output | ActualDirection.Unspecified =>
// When internal wires are involved, driver / sink must be specified explicitly, otherwise
// the system is unable to infer which is driver / sink
(vec zip elts).foreach(x => x._1 := x._2)
case ActualDirection.Bidirectional(_) =>
// For bidirectional, must issue a bulk connect so subelements are resolved correctly.
// Bulk connecting two wires may not succeed because Chisel frontend does not infer
// directions.
(vec zip elts).foreach(x => x._1 <> x._2)

/** Creates a new [[Vec]] composed of the input [[Data]] nodes.
* @note input elements should be of the same type (this is checked at the
* FIRRTL level, but not at the Scala / Chisel level)
* @note the width of all output elements is the width of the largest input
* element
* @note output elements are connected from the input elements
def apply[T <: Data](elt0: T, elts: T*): Vec[T] = macro VecTransform.apply_elt0

def do_apply[T <: Data](elt0: T, elts: T*)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] =
apply(elt0 +: elts.toSeq)

/** Creates a new [[Vec]] of length `n` composed of the results of the given
* function applied over a range of integer values starting from 0.
* @param n number of elements in the vector (the function is applied from
* 0 to `n-1`)
* @param gen function that takes in an Int (the index) and returns a
* [[Data]] that becomes the output element
def tabulate[T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: (Int) => T): Vec[T] = macro VecTransform.tabulate

def do_tabulate[T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: (Int) => T)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Vec[T] =
apply((0 until n).map(i => gen(i)))

/** A trait for [[Vec]]s containing common hardware generators for collection
* operations.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions chiselFrontend/src/main/scala/chisel3/core/Assert.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object assert { // scalastyle:ignore

def apply_impl_do(cond: Bool, line: String, message: Option[String], data: Bits*)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions) {
when (!(cond || Builder.forcedReset)) {
when (!(cond || Module.reset.toBool)) {
val fmt = message match {
case Some(str) => s"Assertion failed: $str\n at $line\n"
case None => s"Assertion failed\n at $line\n"
Expand All @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ object assert { // scalastyle:ignore
object stop { // scalastyle:ignore
/** Terminate execution with a failure code. */
def apply(code: Int)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo, compileOptions: CompileOptions): Unit = {
when (!Builder.forcedReset) {
when (!Module.reset.toBool) {
pushCommand(Stop(sourceInfo, Node(Builder.forcedClock), code))
Expand Down

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