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This is a fork version of idleberg/vscode-innosetup! Thanks @idleberg!

Inno Setup for Visual Studio Code

The MIT License GitHub Visual Studio Marketplace GithubActions

Language syntax, snippets and build system for Inno Setup


  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Snippets
  • Build Inno Setup Script via VSCode tasks
  • Highlighting building errors and warnings
  • On hover information

You need install Pascal extension to highlight Pascal language in [Code] section

Screenshot of Inno Setup in Visual Studio Code



Extension Marketplace

Launch Quick Open, paste the following command, and press Enter

ext install chouzz.vscode-innosetup


With shell commands installed, you can use the following command to install the extension:

$ code --install-extension chouzz.vscode-innosetup

Packaged Extension

Download the packaged extension from the the release page and install it from the command-line:

$ code --install-extension path/to/innosetup-*.vsix



Before you can build, make sure ISCC is in your PATH environmental variable. Alternatively, you can specify the path to ISCC in your user settings.


"innosetup.pathToIscc": "full\\path\\to\\ISCC.exe"

Note: If you're on non-Windows, you could specify the path to this bash script, which runs ISCC on Wine.

To trigger a build, you can selcect Terminal, run task innosetup, it will highlighting errors and warnings after building, or you can use InnoSetup: Save & Compile command from the command-palette or use the default keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt+B.


If you've found a bug, please file at

If you'd like to help out, fork the repo and submit pull requests.


This work is licensed under The MIT License