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OrnithologyPi: Bird Detection and Streaming on Raspberry Pi

OrnithologyPi is a Rust-based project that captures and analyzes a video stream to detect and identify birds. It runs on a Raspberry Pi equipped with a webcam, providing a seamless interface for observing and identifying birds in your garden or any outdoor setting.


⚠️ State of Development

The project is currently in the early stages of development. The development is done from time to time. The project is not yet ready for production use. I am working on many dependencies that will take some time to complete.

🎥 How It Works

  1. Capture Stream: Utilizes a webcam to capture a live video stream.
  2. Analyze Stream: Analyzes the stream to detect the presence of birds.
  3. Identify Birds: Identifies the detected birds and labels them.
  4. Web App Interface: Offers a web app for viewing the live stream and observed birds.

🚀 Quickstart


Ensure the installation of gstreamer development libraries for proper camera support:

apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev v4l-utils

🖥️ Running the Application and CLI Parameters

OrnithologyPi provides a command-line interface for easy configuration and operation. You can control the features like server, hotspot, bluetooth, and detect through command-line arguments. Below is the information on how to use these parameters:

Command Line Parameters:

  • --server: Activate server mode. This is enabled by default if the server feature is compiled.
  • --hotspot: Activate hotspot mode.
  • --bluetooth: Activate bluetooth mode.
  • --detect: Activate detect mode.


To run the application with server mode, use the following command:

cargo run --release --features=server -- --server=true

This command will compile and run the OrnithologyPi application with the server feature enabled and the server mode activated.

To disable the server mode (which is enabled by default), use:

cargo run --release --features=server -- --server=false

Error Handling:

If a feature is set on, but not compiled with the application, an error message will be displayed indicating that the feature is not enabled.

Running the Application:

  1. Open a terminal in the project's root directory.
  2. Run the application with the desired parameters. For example:
cargo run --release --features=server,bluetooth -- --server=true --bluetooth=true

This command will run the application with server and bluetooth features enabled.


Ensure that the features you are trying to use are enabled during compilation. If a feature is not compiled and you try to use it, an error message will be displayed.

By using the command-line interface, you can easily control the features and functionality of the OrnithologyPi application, tailoring it to your specific needs and environment.


  • Webcam Example: Save output at frame.jpg.

    cargo run --example webcam
  • Crop Example: Save the cropped bird image at crop.jpg.

    cargo run --example crop
  • Label Example: Print the detected bird on the image.

    cargo run --example label
  • Window Example: Navigate through frames and exit as needed.

    cargo run --features="window" example window
  • Web App with yolov8 backend: Start the web app and navigate to http://localhost:8080.

    cargo run --features="server,detect,yolov8" --no-default-features --release

📦 Building and Installation

Build Debian Package

cargo install cargo-deb
cargo deb

Build App


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ornithology-app

Build for Raspberry Pi

Utilize crossbuild for building for Raspberry Pi:

cargo install cross
cargo install cargo-deb
docker build -t crossbuild:local -f crossbuild.Dockerfile .
cross build --release --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
cargo deb --no-build --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf

Install on Raspberry Pi

Install the necessary plugins and the application:

sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
sudo apt install ./ornithology-pi.deb

To start the service:

sudo service ornithology-pi start

To enable the service on boot:

sudo systemctl enable ornithology-pi


The configuration file is located at config.toml.


ctrlc = false
signals = ["term", "hup"]

device = "0"
width = 640
height = 480
fps = 30

port = 8000
address = ""

The device for camera is optional and must be a number. If no device is specified, the first available device will be used.

I had sometimes problems with camera configurations that are not supported by the camera. If you have problems with the camera, try to change the configuration of width, height, and fps.

🛠️ Using the Makefile

For ease of use, OrnithologyPi includes a Makefile that automates various tasks, allowing you to focus on development without worrying about the underlying commands. Below are the available make commands and their descriptions:

  • make server: This command runs the server with specific features enabled: server, detect, and yolov8. It runs the server in release mode with no default features.
  • make build: This command builds the project.
  • make test: This command runs all the tests in the project.
  • make app: This command serves the app, allowing you to access it from a web browser.
  • make mobile: This command runs mobile development for Android.

How to Use the Makefile

  1. Open a terminal in the project's root directory.
  2. Type the make command you want to use, for example, make server to run the server, and press Enter.

This will execute the corresponding command as defined in the Makefile, saving you time and ensuring consistency in development tasks.


To run the server, simply type the following command in your terminal and press Enter:

make server

This will execute the cargo run --features="server,detect,yolov8" --no-default-features --release command as defined in the Makefile.

By using the Makefile, you can easily and consistently manage and run tasks without having to remember or type out the full commands each time.

🐞 Debugging

Bluetooth Debugging

For a Bluetooth services overview, visit chrome://bluetooth-internals/#devices in the Chrome browser.

Known Issues

  • Bluetooth Issue: Run the app with BLUETOOTH_FORCE_DBUS_LE_VERSION=1 to resolve Bluetooth issues.

Watch the OrnithologyPi in action:
