Commandline interface to facilitate interaction with server
hassio help
hassio <subcommand> <action> [<options>]
hassio homeassistant info --rawjson
- --debug,-d -> Enables debug output
- --rawjson,-j -> Will return the data in JSON format on a single line (useful for passing to other programs to parse / utilise)
- --options,-o -> Used to send commands to
hassio homeassistant update --options version=0.60
- --filter,-f -> Used to filter the data returned from so only the specified properties are output
Note: Modifer order is important.
hassio <GlobalModifier> <SubCommand> <Action> <SubCommandModifier>
To install, use go get
go get -d
- Fork (
- Create a feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Rebase your local changes against the master branch
- Run test suite with the
go test ./...
command and confirm that it passes - Run
gofmt -s
- Create a new Pull Request
go test ./...
gox -osarch="linux/arm" -ldflags="-s -w" -output="hassio"
upx --brute hassio