Collection of scripts for annotating and analysing genomes assembled from metagenomes
##Split clusters and find genes
This roughly summariese CQs standard approach to annotate metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs). Asker is going to have a go at rationalising this :)
First split the fasta file by cluster:
./ Contigs_gt1000.fasta clustering_gt1000.csv
Then call genes with prodigal (maybe better to use the original contig gene callings)?:
##Annotate to Kegg orthologs
First align each called gene against Kegg (Asker use Diamond and new Kegg database):
Then map genes to KOs:
This calls the perl script:
The hardcoded path to Kegg gene->ortholog mapping in this perl script needs to be changed.
Then we collate all the *.hits files together:
./ > CollateHits.csv
This will generate kegg ortholog frequencies for each cluster.
##Annotate to Kegg modules
Now we find which Kegg modules are present in each cluster by querying their [module reconstruct tool] (
python ./ -i CollateHits.csv -o Collate_modules.csv
##Split Cogs
Somewhat unsatisfactorilly we do use the COG annotations across all contigs and split those across clusters. It would be better to develop a coherent strategy for this:
./ Contigs_gt1000.cogs clustering_gt1000.csv
Where we have annotated cogs on the contigs using:
python ./ -b Contigs_gt1000.rpsout --cdd_cog_file $PATH_TO_CONCOCT/CONCOCT/scgs/cdd_to_cog.tsv > Contigs_gt1000.cogs
where Contigs_gt1000.rpsout is the RPS blast output against the COG database
##Construct a phylogenetic tree
Assume we are starting from the 'Split' directory in which we have seperated out the cluster fasta files and we have done the COG assignments for each cluster. Then the first step is to extract each of the 36 conserved core COGs individually. There is an example bash script for doing this in phyloscripts but it will need modifying:
while read line
echo $cog
./ ../clustering_gt1000_scg.tsv ../../Annotate/Contigs_gt1000_c10K.fna $cog > SCGs/$cog.ffn
done < cogs.txt
Run this after making a directory SCGs and it will create one file for each SCG with the corresponding nucleotide sequences from each cluster but only for this with completeness (> 0.75) hard coded in the perl script somewhere you should check that :)
Then we align each of these cog files against my prepared database containing 1 genome from each bacterial genera and archael species:
mkdir AlignAll
while read line
echo $cog
cat /gpfs/chrisq/chris/Databases/NCBI/Combined/Cogs/All_$cog.ffn SCGs/${cog}.ffn > AlignAll/${cog}_all.ffn
mafft --thread 64 AlignAll/${cog}_all.ffn > AlignAll/${cog}_all.gffn
done < cogs.txt
Next we trim these alignments:
for file in AlignAll/*gffn
echo $stub
trimal -in $file -out ${stub}_al.gfa -gt 0.9 -cons 60
The next script requires the IDs of any cluster or taxa that may appear in fasta files, therefore:
cat AlignAll/*gffn | grep ">" | sed 's/_COG.*//' | sort | uniq | sed 's/>//g' > Names.txt
Which we run as follows:
./ Names.txt AlignAll/COG0*_al.gfa > AlignAll.gfa
Then we may want to map taxaids to species names before building tree:
./ TaxaSpeciesR.txt < AlignAll.gfa > AlignAllR.gfa
Finally we get to build our tree:
FastTreeMP -nt -gtr < AlignAllR.gfa 2> SelectR.out > AlignAllR.tree
##Assigning taxonomy to bins from tree
The script for doing this requires the ETE3 python package. This is generally run through anaconda as follows:
# Activate the environment
export PATH=~/anaconda_ete/bin:$PATH
Having set up the conda environment simply run:
python ./ AlignAllR.tree data/TaxaSpeciesR.txt data/all_taxa_lineage.tsv > AlignAllR_assign.tsv
You will need to gunzip data/all_taxa_lineage.tsv.gz first...