Collection of TypeScript type challenges
by the power of TypeScript's well-known Turing Completed type system
High-quality types can help improve projects' maintainability while avoiding potential bugs.
There are a bunch of awesome type utility libraries that may boost your works on types, like ts-toolbelt, utility-types, SimplyTyped, etc., which you can already use.
This project is aimed at helping you better understand how the type system works, writing your own utilities, or just having fun with the challenges. We are also trying to form a community where you can ask questions and get answers you have faced in the real world - they may become part of the challenges!
Click the following badges to see details of the challenges.
Note: Challenges work in the strict mode.
By Plain Text
- 4・Pick
- 7・Readonly
- 11・Tuple to Object
- 14・First of Array
- 18・Length of Tuple
- 43・Exclude
- 189・Awaited
- 268・If
- 533・Concat
- 898・Includes
- 3057・Push
- 3060・Unshift
- 3312・Parameters
- 2・Get Return Type
- 3・Omit
- 8・Readonly 2
- 9・Deep Readonly
- 10・Tuple to Union
- 12・Chainable Options
- 15・Last of Array
- 16・Pop
- 20・Promise.all
- 62・Type Lookup
- 106・Trim Left
- 108・Trim
- 110・Capitalize
- 116・Replace
- 119・ReplaceAll
- 191・Append Argument
- 296・Permutation
- 298・Length of String
- 459・Flatten
- 527・Append to object
- 529・Absolute
- 531・String to Union
- 599・Merge
- 612・KebabCase
- 645・Diff
- 949・AnyOf
- 1042・IsNever
- 1097・IsUnion
- 1130・ReplaceKeys
- 1367・Remove Index Signature
- 1978・Percentage Parser
- 2070・Drop Char
- 2257・MinusOne
- 2595・PickByType
- 2688・StartsWith
- 2693・EndsWith
- 2757・PartialByKeys
- 2759・RequiredByKeys
- 2793・Mutable
- 2852・OmitByType
- 2946・ObjectEntries
- 3062・Shift
- 3188・Tuple to Nested Object
- 3192・Reverse
- 3196・Flip Arguments
- 3243・FlattenDepth
- 3326・BEM style string
- 3376・InorderTraversal
- 4179・Flip
- 4182・Fibonacci Sequence
- 4260・AllCombinations
- 4425・Greater Than
- 4471・Zip
- 4484・IsTuple
- 4499・Chunk
- 4518・Fill
- 4803・Trim Right
- 5117・Without
- 5140・Trunc
- 5153・IndexOf
- 5310・Join
- 5317・LastIndexOf
- 5360・Unique
- 5821・MapTypes
- 7544・Construct Tuple
- 8640・Number Range
- 8767・Combination
- 8987・Subsequence
- 9286・FirstUniqueCharIndex
- 9896・GetMiddleElement
- 10969・Integer
- 16259・ToPrimitive
- 17973・DeepMutable
- 18142・All
- 18220・Filter
- 6・Simple Vue
- 17・Currying 1
- 55・Union to Intersection
- 57・Get Required
- 59・Get Optional
- 89・Required Keys
- 90・Optional Keys
- 112・Capitalize Words
- 114・CamelCase
- 147・C-printf Parser
- 213・Vue Basic Props
- 223・IsAny
- 270・Typed Get
- 300・String to Number
- 399・Tuple Filter
- 472・Tuple to Enum Object
- 545・printf
- 553・Deep object to unique
- 651・Length of String 2
- 730・Union to Tuple
- 847・String Join
- 956・DeepPick
- 1290・Pinia
- 1383・Camelize
- 2059・Drop String
- 2822・Split
- 2828・ClassPublicKeys
- 2857・IsRequiredKey
- 2949・ObjectFromEntries
- 4037・IsPalindrome
- 5181・Mutable Keys
- 5423・Intersection
- 6141・Binary to Decimal
- 7258・Object Key Paths
- 8804・Two Sum
- 9155・ValidDate
- 9160・Assign
- 9384・Maximum
- 9775・Capitalize Nest Object Keys
- 13580・Replace Union
- 14080・FizzBuzz
- 14188・Run-length encoding
- 15260・Tree path array
- 19458・SnakeCase
🔥 Start the challenge in TypeScript Playground
🚀 Start the challenge locally in your IDE or text editor with TypeScript language support
⚡️ Start the challenge in VS Code Exntension
- Learn Advanced TypeScript Types
- The Art of Type Programming
- Type Query: jQuery Style Type Manipulation
There are several ways you can contribute to this project
- Share your answers / solutions
- Propose new challenges
- Add more test cases to the existing challenges
- Provide learning resources or ideas of how to solve challenges
- Share the problems you have faced in real-world projects, regardless you having the solution or not - the community would help you as well
- Help with others by discussion in issues
- Contribute the infra of this project
Just open an issue and choose the corresponding template. Thanks!
You can build the challenges and play locally using your preferred IDE or text editor with TypeScript language support.
To do that, you will need the latest version of Node.js and pnpm installed.
After cloning the repo, installed the dependencies by:
pnpm install
Then and run the generate
pnpm generate
It will prompt you to select the desired language, then you can find the generated challenges in the ./playground
This project was born from solving real-world types problem with @hardfist and @MeCKodo. And great thanks to @sinoon who contributed a lot while giving early feedback on this project.