Chrome EC Bus Driver
- NOTE: This driver does NOT expose services to userspace directly
- To use this driver, either ACPI must expose child devices, or you must modify this driver to enumerate child devices for other drivers to attach to
Known ACPI IDs:
- ACPI\GOOG0004: Chrome EC Bus (This driver)
- ACPI\GOOG0002: Chrome EC Keyboard Backlight (Technically could be controlled via ACPI, but crosecbus is more reliable) -
- ACPI\GOOG0003: Chrome EC PD Notify (used for USB-C)
- ACPI\GOOG0006: Chrome EC Sensor Hub -
- ACPI\GOOG0007: Chrome EC Vivaldi Keyboard Settings -
- ACPI\GOOG000A: Chrome EC Keyboard -
- ACPI\GOOG000B: Pixel Slate Base (also used for Sensor Hub) -
- ACPI\GOOG0012: Chrome EC I2C Passthrough -
- ACPI\GOOG0013: Chrome EC Audio Codec (Usually DMIC over I2S) -
- ACPI\GOOG0014: Chrome EC USB-C
- ACPI\GOOG0015: Chrome EC Trackpoint
- ACPI\GOOG0016: Chrome OS GPIOs
IDs not covered by crosec:
- ACPI\GOOG000C: Wilco EC (not this driver)
- ACPI\GOOG000D: Wilco EC Event (unused in Windows)
- ACPI\GOOG000E: Wilco EC UCSI (covered by in-box UCSI driver)
Protocols Implemented:
- LPC v2
- LPC v3 (Most Chromebooks)
- MEC LPC (Braswell/Skylake Chromebooks, Framework laptop)
Note: Framework laptop does not implement GOOG0004 ACPI device. Override DSDT/SSDT with testsigning or with OpenCore to add it. (See for an example)
Tested on HP Chromebook 14b (Ryzen 3 3250C)