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Releases: chusiang/vimrc

4.0.6: Add "elzr/vim-json" plugin

02 Dec 09:28
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  1. Add "elzr/vim-json" plugin.

4.0.5: Support EditorConfig.

24 Jul 16:42
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  1. Start unify coding styles via EditorConfig.
  2. Stop support the Windows.
  3. [EditorConfig] Add debug mode config for quick switch. #31
  4. [keymap] Change new tab hotkey from tt to Ctrl-t.
  5. tagbar: support markdown headings.


  1. Change github id of @wildskyf.
  2. Change the custom filetype for ansible-vim v2.0
  3. Mark filetype indent on for support EditorConfig. #31
  4. Setting the encoding args to utf-8.
  5. Upgrade the Python from 3.6 to 3.7 for macOS #27
  6. [vim-markdown] Disable concealing "code blocks" syntax.


  1. Add "Alpine 3" stage.
  2. Integrate the Travis and Slack.
  3. Refactor via DOCKER_TAG variable.
  4. [Make] Add check, yaml_check, travis_check args.

4.0.4: Integrate the Travis CI

13 Apr 20:04
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Integrate the Travis CI for check the make install script on Vim 8.0 x Debian 9.

4.0.3: Support the GNU/Linux

13 Apr 18:36
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If I add the runtime! debian.vim line, the dein.vim will be failed on latest Vim x Ubuntu 16.04 / Debian 9, so I remove it.

4.0.2: Add tomorrow airline theme

19 Mar 22:43
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  1. Add plugin of vim-airline-themes.
  2. Use the airline theme of tomorrow.
  3. Only enable the Powerllne fonts on Console.
  4. Tuning for CentOS 7.4 and make install.


4.0.1: Optimizing install script and Bug fix

19 Mar 03:05
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  1. Optimizing the install script.

    Use the url of dymanic install script is not secutiry, so I manual handle it.

  2. Fix typo path of install script.

  3. Example:

    [ jonny@gundam ~/vcs/vimrc ] (develop) - 10:45
    $ time make install
    ==> Copy vimrc ...
    cat _vimrc  > /Users/jonny/.vimrc
    cat _gvimrc > /Users/jonny/.gvimrc
    cp -a _vim/   /Users/jonny/.vim
    ==> Install dein.vim ...
    mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle/repos/
    git clone ~/.vim/bundle/repos/
    Cloning into '/Users/jonny/.vim/bundle/repos/'...
    remote: Counting objects: 4810, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
    remote: Total 4810 (delta 14), reused 20 (delta 11), pack-reused 4781
    Receiving objects: 100% (4810/4810), 930.41 KiB | 846.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (2742/2742), done.
    ==> Install plugins ...
    vim -c "try | call dein#install() | finally | qall! | endtry" -Ne
    ==> Done.
    real    2m35.850s
    user    1m36.400s
    sys     0m22.555s

4.0.0: First of dein.vim

18 Mar 18:40
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This is the first edition of dein.vim.

I refactor so many vim scripts, and disable many plugins.

Please see the 7ae3af6#diff-88b99bb28683bd5b7e3a204826ead112 .

3.1.1. Last of NeoBundle

18 Mar 18:35
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This is a last edition of neobundle.vim (package manager), because I will replace it will dein.vim.