Maintainers: @chyh1990
Note: this project is under active depvelopment, API may change!
imageproc is a advanced image proccessing library for the Rust language in order to provide:
- generic pixel, image, geometry data structure alike OpenCV
- Image IO for variable image file format
- image transformations
- image processing routines, e.g. convolution, gaussian blur, etc.
- canvas and rasterization (TBD)
This library is inspired by the following projects:
Adding the following to the Cargo.toml in your project:
git = ""
and import using extern crate:
extern crate imageproc;
Most data structures and routines are exposed uder imageproc prefix:
extern crate imageproc;
use std::path::Path;
use imageproc::image::*;
use imageproc::conv;
use imageproc::imageio::{ImageIO, FreeImageIO};
fn main() {
let img: ImageBgra = FreeImageIO::from_path(&Path::new("cat.jpg")).unwrap();
let out = conv::gaussian_blur(&img, 11, 0f32);
let target = Path::new("out.png");
FreeImageIO::save(&target, &out).unwrap();
imageproc use cross-platform native library to decode/encode images. The only supported backend is FreeImage, it includes decoders for most image formats, and encoders for most common used formats.
Fork & pull request on Github.