Currently, this is a proof of concept library.
Integration of ISO 15118 development for EVerest is under heavy development currently. Many features are already implemented, many are still to follow.
But: This repository here is not the place where implementation happens. To see current development work, have a look at those places in EVerest:
- Some functionality of part 2 of ISO 15118 is integrated in the EvseManager module in the everest-core repository.
- Current development for an EXI code generator (as used in the ISO 15118 protocol suite) is ongoing in the cbexigen repository. This will make the currently used ext-openv2g repo obsolete.
- The repository libSlac contains definitions of SLAC messages that are used for ISO 15118 communication.
- V2G-related funcationality can be found in EVerest module EvseV2G
This is just a short overview to show you that there is not the one and only place for the ISO 15118 implementation. For more information and insights on that, join us in our weekly tech meetups.
To build this library you need everest-cmake checkout in the same directory as libiso15118.
# Run cmake (BUILD_TESTING to enable/disable unit tests)
# Run cmake with disabled compiler warnings
# Build
ninja -C build
# Running tests
ninja -C build test