is a Python3 package for converting metadata records defined using
ACDD-style field names into XML that fits into the CIOOS
metadata profile.
It can be used as a command line tool, or imported into other Python code.
Setup and activate a new Python 3 environment
From this directory, run:
pip install .
To upgrade this package if you have already installed it, use:
pip install . --upgrade
or If you are developing this package, to avoid reinstalling each time, use:
pip install -e .
To convert a Yaml file to XML, run:
python -m metadata_xml -f <yaml_file_path> -o <optional_destination_folder>
python -m metadata_xml -f sample_records/record.yml
You can perform the yaml to XML conversion in other projects this way:
from metadata_xml.template_functions import metadata_to_xml
record = {...}
xml = metadata_to_xml(record)
and add to your requirements.txt:
See sample_records/record.yaml
for an example. Most text fields have the option to be bilingual, eg:
comment: just in the primary language
# -- or --
en: comment in english
fr: comment in french
person, group, institution, position
resourceProvider, custodian, owner, user, distributor, originator, pointOfContact, principalInvestigator, processor, publisher, author, sponsor, coAuthor, collaborator, editor, mediator, rightsHolder, contributor, funder, stakeholder
deprecated, proposed, withdrawn, notAccepted, accepted, valid, tentative, superseded, retired, pending, final, underDevelopment, required, planned, onGoing, obsolete, historicalArchive, completed
dissolvedOrganicCarbon, fishAbundanceAndDistribution, hardCoralCoverAndComposition, inorganicCarbon, invertebrateAbundanceAndDistribution, macroalgalCanopyCoverAndComposition, marineDebris, marineTurtlesBirdsMammalsAbundanceAndDistribution, microbeBiomassAndDiversity, nitrousOxide, nutrients, oceanColour, oceanSound, oceanSurfaceHeatFlux, oceanSurfaceStress, other, oxygen, particulateMatter, phytoplanktonBiomassAndDiversity, seagrassCoverAndComposition, seaIce, seaState, seaSurfaceHeight, seaSurfaceSalinity, seaSurfaceTemperature, stableCarbonIsotopes, subSurfaceCurrents, subSurfaceSalinity, subSurfaceTemperature, surfaceCurrents, transientTracers, zooplanktonBiomassAndDiversity