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This repository contains the code for noble-fiattokenfactory, a application module built on top of the Cosmos SDK. It leverages the SDK's capabilities to manage Circle-issued stablecoins on the Noble blockchain.

Codebase Layout

The codebase is organized into several key directories and files:

  • e2e/: Includes integration tests for the project.
  • proto/: Contains all protobuffer definitions for messages used to communicate with the app.
  • simapp/: Exposes a simulated local application that can be used to test out CLI commands.
  • x/:
    • blockibc/: Contains module execution logic related to interchain operations.
    • fiattokenfactory/:
      • client/: Contains the main entry points for the application.
      • keeper/: Contains core module logic for managing fiat tokens.


Follow the steps below to set up your repo locally:

  • Install Golang:

    • Download and install Golang 1.22 from the official Golang website.
    • Verify the installation by running go version.
  • Install Heighliner: Heighliner is a tool that streamlines building cosmos chain containers. Install heighliner by running

    go install[email protected]

    Or build heighliner from source by first cloning the repo and running go build && go install inside the cloned repo.

    Run which heighliner locally to confirm heighliner is successfully installed.

Getting Started

Building the project

You can build the module and simulation app locally using

make build

Once the build step is successful, you would be able to run simd in your local terminal to access the CLI application. Try running simd query and simd tx to view a list of modules and commands you can interact with.

Run unit tests

To run unit tests, execute:

make test-unit

Run Integration Tests

Make sure heighliner is already installed based on instructions in the installation section.

Build the Heighliner image with the local simapp:

make heighliner

Run e2e tests by executing

make test-e2e

Alternatively, you can run all tests (unit and e2e) with:

make test


Repository for Noble fiat token factory code



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