NOTE: this repository is work-in-progress
The Culvert Analysis Toolkit is a collection of GIS tools designed to support analysis of culvert performance within their watershed. It uses a TR-55 Model and parameters derived from geospatial data to calculate peak-flow and culvert capacity.
This software encompasses work originally developed by the Cornell Soil & Water Lab (on GitHub @
Check out the documentation at
This repository represents an evolution of a previous effort, the Peak-Flow Calculator, which was a hard fork of the Water Lab's CulvertEvalution repository.
Made in collaboration with the Cornell S&W lab, this repository includes additional updates to the science of the analysis from CulvertModel_2.1, as well as a ground-up rebuild of the supporting codebase.
- Original peak flow analytics are based on the culvert evaluation model developed by Rebecca Marjerison at the Cornell Soil and Water Lab in 2013, as CulvertEvalution
- David Gold, python script development, August 4, 2015
- Object-oriented structure and resiliency updates built by Noah Warnke, August 31 2016 (no formulas changed).
- Updated by Zoya Kaufmann June 2016 - August 2017
- Merged with older versions by Tanvi Naidu June 19 2017
- Fork, refactor, and creation of CLI and ArcMap interfaces by Christian Gass @ CivicMapper, Fall 2017, as peak-flow-calculator
- Updates for use within ArcGIS Pro by Christian Gass @ CivicMapper, Spring/Summer 2019, in peak-flow-calculator
- CulvertModel_2.1by Jo Archibald in 2019
- Drain-It / Culvert Analysis Toolkit repository by CivicMapper, 2021-present