Windows 10 Xbox DVR (Restart Required) /GameDVR.reg
Running this registry file will disable Xbox DVR in Windows 10.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive /csgo/
autoexec.cfg > ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg
-novid -high -threads 4 -tickrate 128 -nojoy -nod3d9ex1 +exec autoexec.cfg
Scaling mode: Aspect ratio
Perform scaling on: GPU
- Advanced CSGO tips, configs and more [Reddit]
Rainbow Six Seige /r6siege/
GameSettings.ini > ...\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six - Siege\uuid
Subtitle: Off
Master Volume: 74
Music Volume: 0
Voice Chat Record Threshold: 50
Overall Quality: Medium
Ping: Alt
Open Chat All: Y
Team Chat: U
Push to Talk: Q
Move Forward: E
Move Backward: D
Strafe Left: S
Strafe Right: F
Lean Left: W
Lean Right: V
Sprint & Fast Rappel/Ladder Descent: Shift
Navigate: Space
Crouch & Change Rappel Stance: C
Prone: Z
Walk: Ctrl
Reload: R
Interact: T
Melee Attack: Mouse 4
Primary Gadget: Mouse 3
Secondary Gadget: G
Switch Firing Mode: B
Move Forward: E
Move Backward: D
Strafe Left: S
Strafe Right: F
Enemy Scan: X
Cycle Left: W
Cycle Right: V
Browse Player Left: W
Browse Player Right: V
~~### H1Z1: King of the Kill /h1z1/
~~UserOptions.ini > ...\Steam\steamapps\common\H1Z1 King of the Kill
~~#### Steam Launch Options
~~#### NVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D settings (H1Z1: King of the Kill (h1z1 king of the kill/h1z1.exe)
Anisotropic filtering: Off
Antialiasing - FXAA: Off
Antialiasing - Gamma Correction: Off
Antialiasing - Mode: Off
CUDA - GPUs: All
Maximum pre-rendered frames: 1
Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration: Single display performance mode
Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
Shader Cache: On
Texture filtering - Anisotropic Sample optimization: Off
Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias: Allow
Texture filtering - Quality: High performance
Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization: Off
Threaded optimization: Auto
Triple buffering: Off
Vertical sync: Off
Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames: 1