Note: This package is now unsupported because it is a no-op on Julia 1.9 and later, and older versions are no longer supported.
Julia introduced package extensions in v1.9. This package makes these extensions backwards-compatible to earlier Julia versions, with zero overhead on new versions.
Internally, this uses Requires.jl on earlier versions, automating this strategy in the Pkg.jl docs.
Supports all versions of Julia from 1.0 upwards.
Supposing you have a package called Foo
Set up package extensions for
as usual. This means adding[weakdeps]
and adding extension code toext/
. -
as a dependency toFoo
. -
Add the following code to
:using PackageExtensionCompat function __init__() @require_extensions end
That's it! Your package extensions will now be loaded as expected on any Julia version!
See the example folder for an example package using this functionality.