This repo is the project of mpml, aiming to solve a two-class classification problem using liblinear in multi-kernal machines.
The min-max network is used to decompose the task so that it can be fully parallelized. I will campare the performance between randomized partition and label-based partition.
- [x] Using liblinear to solve the origin problem
- [x] Using min-max network to solve the same problem
- [x] Using pickle to dump/load data
- [x] Parallelize the min-max network
- [x] Partition data by labels
- [x] Measure the time cost in different solution
- [x] calculate f1 value
- [x] draw ROC graph
- [x] using dump/load in data file IO
- [x] Avoid reading data file for multiple times
- use DBMS to manage data
- [d] use queue to exchange data between processes
- [x] use logging module