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@pomek pomek released this 25 May 07:09
· 13688 commits to master since this release

Release highlights

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v34.1.0.

This release introduces the following new features:

There were also a few bug fixes:

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Cloud Services compatibility

⚠️ Important message for CKEditor 5 Cloud Services On-Premises users.

The new version of CKEditor 5 real-time collaboration is not compatible with the current version of CKEditor 5 Cloud Services On-Premises (4.6.0).

Please wait for the new release of the CKEditor 5 Cloud Services On-Premises solution and update the backend service first, before updating the CKEditor 5 packages.


  • engine: Improved the History API. You can find the changes summary in the related issue. Closes #11226. (commit)
  • list: Added support for the type attribute of the <ul> and <ol> elements in addition to the list-style-type style. Closes #11615. (commit)
  • real-time-collaboration: Introduced better support for revision history when editor bundle is used. This greatly reduced the number of calls and revision data passed to Cloud Services.
  • table: Added support for table column resizing, which allows to set the width of each column in a table using a resize handle. (commit)

Bug fixes

  • code-block: Redundant text nodes should be removed from <pre> on upcast to avoid breaking the code block. Closes #11616. (commit)
  • engine: Attributes should not be set if a parent was converted into a collapsed range. Closes #11000. (commit)
  • engine: The elementToAttribute() upcast helper should consume an element itself while consuming its attribute. See #10800. (commit)
  • html-support: Extracted upcasting attributes of the figure view element to separate converters for the table, image and media integrations. Closes #11688. (commit)
  • html-support: The <div> elements should be upcast to container-like elements when there is a block among their descendants. Closes #11513. (commit)
  • html-support: Inline elements handled by a native editor plugin should not be handled by the GHS. Closes #10800, #10954. (commit)
  • html-support: Unlinking should remove a link even if there were some additional attributes handled by the GHS. See #10800. (commit)
  • language: Fixes the interference between TextPartLanguage and CodeBlock. Closes #11538, #11563. (commit)
  • mention: The mention UI should not show up when matching an existing mention following a white space. Closes #11400. (commit)
  • pagination: The PaginationLookup plugin should destroy parent class and stop listening to events from external emitters. Closes #1148.
  • paste-from-office: Fixes pasting multiple lines from Google Docs into a code block. (commit) Thanks to @skylerfenn!
  • restricted-editing: Standard editing mode post-fixers will no longer create marker operations with invalid base versions. Closes #11644. (commit)
  • revision-history: Incorrect HTML was generated from a revision if there was a space at the end of a block which lead to crashes when comparing multiple revisions.
  • style: The block style should be applied to all matching selected blocks. Closes #11582. (commit)
  • style: Inline style can be removed from an inline widget. Closes #11584. (commit)
  • style: Inline styles should not be enabled inside a code block. Closes #11581. (commit)
  • style: Container styles (for example, a block quote style) should be applied properly. Closes #11576. (commit)
  • style: A grid with styles should render properly with two styles in a row. Closes #11575. (commit)

Other changes

  • engine: Exported some of the engine.View classes in index.js. (commit)
  • html-support: Introduced DataFilter#processViewAttributes() that is helpful when integrating the GHS with a custom feature. Closes #10827. (commit)
  • list: Copying content from a single list item should not wrap it with a list in the clipboard. Closes #11608. (commit)
  • real-time-collaboration: Revision dates will now be based on the server time instead of the local time.
  • revision-history: A revision date can now be updated on backend when the revision is saved using the revision history adapter. See the API reference for RevisionHistoryAdapter#updateRevisions to learn more.
  • watchdog: Improved the ContextWatchdog queueing mechanism. Closes #11664. (commit)
  • Updated translations. (commit, commit)

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