This repository serves the content of The page itself is rendered using the power of GitBook.
Feel free to improve the page using the issue tracker or by following our guide rendered by GitBook. In case you plan larger contributions, please contact us to gain access to the WYSIWG editor on GitBook itself.
- Install markdown-link-check:
npm install -g markdown-link check
find . -name \*.md -exec markdown-link-check -qq {} \; > bad-links.txt
You can use the markdown-lint docker image:
docker run --rm \
-v "$(pwd):/tmp/check" \
-e INPUT_CONFIG=/tmp/check/.markdownlint.yml \
avtodev/markdown-lint:v1 \
The gitbook integration changes some of the file names and appends "(1) (2) (1)" or something like this. If one fixes that in the GitHub repository, then the next sync rewrites the names again. The only solution we've found so far is manually replacing the images using the GitBook UI: Left to the image you have a hamburger with a "replace" option.
In case GitBook was fixed, with some command line magic, this could be solved:
- Create a script renaming all images:
fd -e png -x bash -c "echo '{}' | sed 's/\([^(]*\)\(.*\).png/mv \"\\1\\2.png\" \"\\1.png\"/' | sed 's/ \.png/.png/'" | sort >
. Execute inen/.gitbook
. Otherwise,fd
does not find any file. - Create a script doing the renaming in all
files:fd -e md -x bash -c "echo sed -i '\"s/assets\/\([^%]*\)\(.*\).png/assets\/\\1.png/\"' {}" >