Born on a rainy Sunday afternoon, when my ISP was being its unreliable self again. Measures the latency and packet loss to one of more hosts and reports the data to Prometheus.
The following command line arguments can be passed:
pinger [flags] [ <host> ... ]
--addr string Metrics listener address (default ":8080")
--config string Configuration file
--debug Log debug messages
-h, --help help for pinger
-v, --version version for pinger
The configuration file option specifies a yaml-formatted configuration file::
# Log debug messages
debug: true
# Metrics listener address (default ":8080")
addr: :8080
# Targets to ping
- host: # Host IP address of hostname (mandatory)
name: localhost # Name to use for prometheus metrics (optional; pinger uses host if name is not specified)
If the filename is not specified on the command line, pinger will look for a file config.yaml
in the following directories:
Any value in the configuration file may be overridden by setting an environment variable with a prefix PINGER_
The target hosts can also be provided by exporting an environment variable 'HOSTS', e.g.
export HOSTS=""
Pinger will consider provided hosts in the following order:
- HOSTS environment variable
- command-line arguments
- configuration file
Images for arm, arm64 & amd64 are available on
Pinger exposes the following metrics to Prometheus:
metric | type | help |
pinger_latency_seconds | GAUGE | Average latency in seconds |
pinger_packets_received_count | COUNTER | Total packet received |
pinger_packets_sent_count | COUNTER | Total packets sent |
- Christophe Lambin
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.