Android app for checking your Raspberry Pi ® status.
The goal of this Android app is to show the user the current system status of a running Raspberry Pi ®.
To gather the information needed, RasPi Check uses a SSH connection (using a android-specific fork of SSHJ).
If you find any bugs and glitches please open an issue here.
Feel free to fork and open up pull requests!
Just fire up Android Studio and import this project via File -> Import Project. All dependencies will be integrated automatically by Gradle.
The app logo is a derivative of "Raspberry.ico" by Martina Šmejkalová, used under CC BY. The app logo is licensed under CC BY by Michael Prankl.
'RasPi' is one of the Rasberry Pi ® abriviations. For more information visit Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.