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Implement multi result primitives
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martijnbastiaan committed Oct 29, 2020
1 parent ae21bb4 commit f325ea0
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Showing 30 changed files with 695 additions and 254 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ bbTemplate bbCtx = do
Just compName' = exprToString intrinsicName
compName = TextS.pack compName'

(Identifier result Nothing,_) = bbResult bbCtx
[(Identifier result Nothing,_)] = bbResults bbCtx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ sbioTemplate bbCtx = do
, (outputEnable, Bool, _)
] = bbInputs bbCtx

(Identifier result Nothing,resTy) = bbResult bbCtx
[(Identifier result Nothing,resTy)] = bbResults bbCtx
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion clash-ghc/src-ghc/Clash/GHC/Evaluator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,12 @@ stepPrim pInfo m tcm
[] -> ghcPrimStep tcm (forcePrims m) pInfo [] [] m
tys -> newBinder tys (Prim pInfo) m tcm

stepMultiPrim :: PrimInfo -> Step
stepMultiPrim pInfo m tcm =
case fst $ splitFunForallTy (multiPrimType pInfo) of
[] -> Nothing -- don't evaluate multi prims
tys -> newBinder tys (MultiPrim pInfo) m tcm

stepLam :: Id -> Term -> Step
stepLam x e = ghcUnwind (Lambda x e)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +240,7 @@ ghcStep m = case mTerm m of
Data dc -> stepData dc m
Literal l -> stepLiteral l m
Prim p -> stepPrim p m
MultiPrim p -> stepMultiPrim p m
Lam v x -> stepLam v x m
TyLam v x -> stepTyLam v x m
App x y -> stepApp x y m
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,4 +463,3 @@ letSubst h acc id0 =
(i,ids') = freshId ids
x' = modifyVarName (`setUnique` i) x

13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions clash-ghc/src-ghc/Clash/GHC/GenerateBindings.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Clash.GHC.GenerateBindings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,8 +216,8 @@ mkBindings primMap bindings clsOps unlocatable = do
checkPrimitive :: CompiledPrimMap -> GHC.CoreBndr -> C2C ()
checkPrimitive primMap v = do
nm <- qualifiedNameString (GHC.varName v)
case HashMap.lookup nm primMap of
Just (extractPrim -> Just (BlackBox _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inc r ri templ)) -> do
case HashMap.lookup nm primMap >>= extractPrim of
Just (BlackBox{resultNames, resultInits, template, includes}) -> do
info = GHC.idInfo v
inline = GHC.inlinePragmaSpec $ GHC.inlinePragInfo info
Expand All @@ -231,10 +232,10 @@ checkPrimitive primMap v = do
warnIf cond msg = traceIf cond ("\n"++loc++"Warning: "++msg) return ()
qName <- Text.unpack <$> qualifiedNameString (GHC.varName v)
let primStr = "primitive " ++ qName ++ " "
let usedArgs = concat [ maybe [] getUsedArguments r
, maybe [] getUsedArguments ri
, getUsedArguments templ
, concatMap (getUsedArguments . snd) inc
let usedArgs = concat [ concatMap getUsedArguments resultNames
, concatMap getUsedArguments resultInits
, getUsedArguments template
, concatMap (getUsedArguments . snd) includes

let warnArgs [] = return ()
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions clash-lib/prims/common/Clash_Transformations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,11 @@
, "template" : "~ERRORO"
, { "BlackBox" :
{ "name" : "c$multiPrimSelect"
, "workInfo" : "Always"
, "kind" : "Expression"
, "template" : "!__SHOULD NOT BE RENDERED__! ~ARG[0]~ARG[1]"
51 changes: 28 additions & 23 deletions clash-lib/src/Clash/Core/Evaluator/Models.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -279,11 +279,12 @@ data PatResult
-- case x of ... Stuck if "x" is neutral (cannot choose an alternative)
data Neutral a
= NeVar !Id
| NePrim !PrimInfo ![Either a Type]
| NeApp !(Neutral a) !a
| NeTyApp !(Neutral a) !Type
| NeCase !a !Type ![(Pat, a)]
= NeVar !Id
| NePrim !PrimInfo ![Either a Type]
| NeMultiPrim !PrimInfo ![Either a Type]
| NeApp !(Neutral a) !a
| NeTyApp !(Neutral a) !Type
| NeCase !a !Type ![(Pat, a)]
deriving (Show)

-- | A term which has been normalised to weak head normal form (WHNF). This has
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,15 +313,16 @@ data Neutral a
-- respects lexical scoping.
data Value
= VNeu !(Neutral Value)
| VLit !Literal
| VData !DataCon ![Either Term Type] !LocalEnv
| VPrim !PrimInfo ![Either Term Type] !LocalEnv
| VLam !Id !Term !LocalEnv
| VTyLam !TyVar !Term !LocalEnv
| VCast !Value !Type !Type
| VTick !Value !TickInfo
| VThunk !Term !LocalEnv
= VNeu !(Neutral Value)
| VLit !Literal
| VData !DataCon ![Either Term Type] !LocalEnv
| VPrim !PrimInfo ![Either Term Type] !LocalEnv
| VMultiPrim !PrimInfo ![Either Term Type] !LocalEnv
| VLam !Id !Term !LocalEnv
| VTyLam !TyVar !Term !LocalEnv
| VCast !Value !Type !Type
| VTick !Value !TickInfo
| VThunk !Term !LocalEnv
deriving (Show)

collectValueTicks :: Value -> (Value, [TickInfo])
Expand All @@ -336,14 +338,15 @@ addTicks = foldr (flip VTick)
-- and all partially applied functions in subterms are eta-expanded.
data Nf
= NNeu !(Neutral Nf)
| NLit !Literal
| NData !DataCon ![Either Nf Type]
| NPrim !PrimInfo ![Either Nf Type]
| NLam !Id !Nf
| NTyLam !TyVar !Nf
| NCast !Nf !Type !Type
| NTick !Nf !TickInfo
= NNeu !(Neutral Nf)
| NLit !Literal
| NData !DataCon ![Either Nf Type]
| NPrim !PrimInfo ![Either Nf Type]
| NMultiPrim !PrimInfo ![Either Nf Type]
| NLam !Id !Nf
| NTyLam !TyVar !Nf
| NCast !Nf !Type !Type
| NTick !Nf !TickInfo
deriving (Show)

-- Embedding WHNF and HNF values back into Term.
Expand All @@ -358,6 +361,7 @@ instance (AsTerm a) => AsTerm (Neutral a) where
asTerm = \case
NeVar v -> Var v
NePrim p args -> mkApps (Prim p) (first asTerm <$> args)
NeMultiPrim p args -> mkApps (MultiPrim p) (first asTerm <$> args)
NeApp x y -> App (asTerm x) (asTerm y)
NeTyApp x ty -> TyApp (asTerm x) ty
NeCase x ty alts -> Case (asTerm x) ty (second asTerm <$> alts)
Expand All @@ -368,6 +372,7 @@ instance AsTerm Value where
VLit l -> Literal l
VData dc args env -> instHeap env . bindHeap env $ mkApps (Data dc) args
VPrim p args env -> instHeap env . bindHeap env $ mkApps (Prim p) args
VMultiPrim p args env -> instHeap env . bindHeap env $ mkApps (MultiPrim p) args
VLam x e env -> instHeap env $ bindHeap env (Lam x e)
VTyLam x e env -> instHeap env $ bindHeap env (TyLam x e)
VCast x a b -> Cast (asTerm x) a b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,11 +408,11 @@ instance AsTerm Nf where
NLit l -> Literal l
NData dc args -> mkApps (Data dc) (first asTerm <$> args)
NPrim p args -> mkApps (Prim p) (first asTerm <$> args)
NMultiPrim p args -> mkApps (MultiPrim p) (first asTerm <$> args)
NLam x e -> Lam x (asTerm e)
NTyLam x e -> TyLam x (asTerm e)
NCast x a b -> Cast (asTerm x) a b
NTick x ti -> Tick ti (asTerm x)

instance (AsTerm a, AsTerm b) => AsTerm (Either a b) where
asTerm = either asTerm asTerm

49 changes: 48 additions & 1 deletion clash-lib/src/Clash/Core/Evaluator/Semantics.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ evaluateWith matchLit matchData evalPrim = go
Literal l -> pure (VLit l)
Data dc -> evaluateDataWith go dc
Prim p -> evaluatePrimWith go evalPrim p
MultiPrim p -> evaluateMultiPrimWith go p
Lam x e -> evaluateLam x e
TyLam x e -> evaluateTyLam x e
App x y -> evaluateAppWith go evalPrim apply x (Left y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,6 +126,10 @@ etaExpand x =
tcm <- getTyConMap
expand tcm (primType p) y

y@(MultiPrim p, _) -> do
tcm <- getTyConMap
expand tcm (multiPrimType p) y

_ -> pure x
expand :: TyConMap -> Type -> (Term, [Either Term Type]) -> Eval Term
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,6 +238,19 @@ evaluatePrimWith eval evalPrim p
| isFullyApplied (primType p) [] = evalPrim p []
| otherwise = etaExpand (Prim p) >>= eval

-- | Default implementation for evaluating primitive operations. If the primop
-- is not nullary, then it is eta-expanded and its eta-expanded form returned
-- as a neutral term.
-- TODO: Implement evaluation for multi return primitives
:: (Term -> Eval Value)
-> PrimInfo
-> Eval Value
evaluateMultiPrimWith eval p
| isFullyApplied (primType p) [] = pure (VNeu (NeMultiPrim p []))
| otherwise = etaExpand (MultiPrim p) >>= eval

-- | Default implementation for evaluating lambdas. As a term with a lambda
-- at the head is already in WHNF, this simply returns the term under the
-- lambda with the current local environment.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,6 +293,14 @@ evaluateAppWith eval evalPrim apply x y
primRes <- evalPrim p pArgs
foldM apply primRes (first Left <$> rArgs)

| MultiPrim p <- f
, nArgs <- length . fst $ splitFunForallTy (multiPrimType p)
= case compare (length args) nArgs of
LT -> etaExpand term >>= eval
_ -> do
nfArgs <- mapM (bitraverse eval pure) args
pure (VNeu (NeMultiPrim p nfArgs))

-- Evaluating a function application may change the amount of fuel (e.g. if
-- the LHS of the application is a recursive function.) If we do not add fuel
-- back after calling apply, other subterms may not be unfolded as much as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,6 +504,7 @@ quoteWith eval = go
VLit l -> pure (NLit l)
VData dc args env -> quoteDataWith (eval >=> go) dc args env
VPrim p args env -> quotePrimWith (eval >=> go) p args env
VMultiPrim p args env -> quoteMultiPrimWith (eval >=> go) p args env
VLam i x env -> quoteLamWith go apply (Left i) x env
VTyLam i x env -> quoteLamWith go apply (Right i) x env
VCast x a b -> quoteCastWith go x a b
Expand All @@ -487,6 +514,7 @@ quoteWith eval = go
goNe = \case
NeVar v -> quoteNeVar v
NePrim p args -> quoteNePrimWith go p args
NeMultiPrim p args -> quoteNeMultiPrimWith go p args
NeApp x y -> quoteNeAppWith go goNe x y
NeTyApp x ty -> quoteNeTyAppWith goNe x ty
NeCase x ty xs -> quoteNeCaseWith go x ty xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,6 +544,17 @@ quotePrimWith quote p args env =
quoteArgs <- traverse (bitraverse quote pure) args
pure (NPrim p quoteArgs)

:: (Term -> Eval Nf)
-> PrimInfo
-> [Either Term Type]
-> LocalEnv
-> Eval Nf
quoteMultiPrimWith quote p args env =
withLocalEnv env $ do
quoteArgs <- traverse (bitraverse quote pure) args
pure (NMultiPrim p quoteArgs)

:: (Value -> Eval Nf)
-> (Value -> Either TermOrValue Type -> Eval Value)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -576,6 +615,15 @@ quoteNePrimWith quote p args = do
quoteArgs <- traverse (bitraverse quote pure) args
pure (NePrim p quoteArgs)

:: (Value -> Eval Nf)
-> PrimInfo
-> [Either Value Type]
-> Eval (Neutral Nf)
quoteNeMultiPrimWith quote p args = do
quoteArgs <- traverse (bitraverse quote pure) args
pure (NeMultiPrim p quoteArgs)

:: (Value -> Eval Nf)
-> (Neutral Value -> Eval (Neutral Nf))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -606,4 +654,3 @@ quoteNeCaseWith quote x ty xs = do
quoteX <- quote x
quoteXs <- traverse (bitraverse pure quote) xs
pure (NeCase quoteX ty quoteXs)

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions clash-lib/src/Clash/Core/Pretty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ instance PrettyPrec Term where
Data dc -> pprPrec prec dc
Literal l -> pprPrec prec l
Prim p -> pprPrecPrim prec (primName p)
MultiPrim p -> pprPrecPrim prec ("multi$" <> primName p)
Lam v e1 -> annotate (AnnContext $ LamBody v) <$>
pprPrecLam prec [v] e1
TyLam tv e1 -> annotate (AnnContext $ TyLamBody tv) <$>
Expand Down
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions clash-lib/src/Clash/Core/Subst.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -915,18 +915,19 @@ acmpTerm' inScope = go (mkRnEnv inScope)

getRank :: Term -> Word
getRank = \case
Var {} -> 0
Data {} -> 1
Literal {} -> 2
Prim {} -> 3
Cast {} -> 4
App {} -> 5
TyApp {} -> 6
Lam {} -> 7
TyLam {} -> 8
Letrec {} -> 9
Case {} -> 10
Tick {} -> 11
Var {} -> 0
Data {} -> 1
Literal {} -> 2
Prim {} -> 3
Cast {} -> 4
App {} -> 5
TyApp {} -> 6
Lam {} -> 7
TyLam {} -> 8
Letrec {} -> 9
Case {} -> 10
Tick {} -> 11
MultiPrim _ -> 12

thenCompare :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering
thenCompare EQ rel = rel
Expand Down

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