CastVideos-android application shows how to cast videos from an android device in a way that is fully compliant with the Design Checklist.
- CastCompanionLibrary-android: can be downloaded here at
- Get a Chromecast device and set it up
- Register an application on the Developers Console ( The easiest would be to use the Styled Media Receiver option there. You will get an App ID when you finish registering your application.
- Setup the project dependencies
- Compile and deploy to your Android device.
- If using gradle, make sure you update build.gradle and settings.gradle to reflect the name you gave your CastCompanionLibrary project when you cloned it.
- This sample includes a published app id in the res/values/strings.xml file so the project can be built and run without a need to register an app id. If you want to use your own receiver, update "app_id" in that file with your own app id.
- Cast Developer Documentation
- Design Checklist
- If you find any issues with this library, please open a bug here on GitHub
- Question are answered on StackOverflow
Please read and follow the steps in the
Google Cast Developers Community on Google+
1.0 -> 1.1
- Updated the Cast button images to match the new style
- Addressed a couple of potential leaks