Download ImageJ1. In order to make CLIJ run in ImageJ, download the following jar files, remove the number from their file name endings and put them in the plugins/jars/
directory of your ImageJ installation:
- bridj-0.7.0.jar
- clij_1.1.4.jar
- clij-clearcl-0.8.4.jar
- clij-core-1.1.4.jar
- clij-coremen-0.5.5.jar
- clij-legacy_-0.1.0.jar
- imagej-common-0.28.2.jar
- imglib2-5.6.3.jar
- imglib2-realtransform-2.1.0.jar
- jocl-2.0.1-jar
- scijava-common-2.77.0-jar
It is recommended to use clij from Fiji. ImageJ1 support is experimental.
- CLIJ doesn't support ImageJ ops in ImageJ1.
- CLIJ is not extensible with CLIJ plugins in ImageJ1.