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@bosh-prometheus-bot bosh-prometheus-bot released this 15 Apr 19:57
· 806 commits to master since this release

Breaking changes

Prometheus v2

Prometheus has been upgraded to v2, and contains a number of backwards incompatible changes:

  • The recording and alerting rules have been migrated from a custom format to the ubiquitous YAML format. All alert rules in this BOSH release have been updated to the new format. If you are using your own rules and/or alerts (via the prometheus.custom_rules property or collocating your own BOSH release and adding them via the prometheus.rule_files property), you will need to adapt them to the new format. See this example for more information.

  • Prometheus v2 comes with a new storage subsystem that is incompatible with the Prometheus v1 data format. To retain access to your historic monitoring data, the official recommendation is to run a non-scraping Prometheus instance running at least version 1.8.1 in parallel with your Prometheus 2.0 instance, and have the new server read existing data from the old one via the remote read protocol. A migrate_from_prometheus_1.yml op-file has been created based on this recommendation. Please follow these steps in order to upgrade your deployment to Prometheus v2 if you want to retain access to historical data:

    1. Upgrade your existing deployment to use the Prometheus BOSH release v21.1.1.
    2. After the above deployment succeeds, add the migrate_from_prometheus_1.yml op-file to your deployment. This will create a new prometheus2 instance running Prometheus v2 and all the exporters, and it will preserve the old prometheus instance updating it to be a non-scrapping Prometheus. The new prometheus2 instance will be automatically configured to use the prometheus instance as a remote read instance.
    3. Once the Prometheus v1 data is no longer relevant (typically after 15 days, unless you are using a custom property value or if you want to keep data longer than that), remove the migrate_from_prometheus_1.yml op-file from your deployment and the old prometheus instance (and the persistent disk holding the historical data) will be automatically deleted alongside the remote read.

Grafana v5

Grafana has been upgraded to v5. There are two new features that may affect dashboards, specially if you are using your own dashboards:

  • The dashboard grid layout engine has changed. All dashboards will be automatically upgraded to a new positioning system when you load them in v5. Dashboards saved in v5 will not work in older versions of Grafana.

  • Grafana allows organizing dashboards in folders. A new property in this BOSH release has been added to support this feature, and the manifest files have been updated accordingly to store all dashboards inside folders. If you are collocating dashboards from an external BOSH release and using the grafana.prometheus.dashboard_files property, all those dashboards will be located at the default folder, but if you prefer to use a different folder, adapt your manifest files to use the new property:

      description: "Array of grafana folders and dashboard json file locations or glob patterns"
        - name: "My Dashboards"
            - "/var/vcap/packages/my_dashboards/*"



  • Upgraded to Prometheus v2
  • Upgraded to Grafana v5
  • Allow organizing grafana dashboard in folders
  • Allow setting custom headers in nginx config
  • Allow prometheus job to use a proxy
  • Allow kube-state-metrics job to use a proxy
  • Allow kube-state-metrics job to get properties from cfcf via BOSH links
  • Updated kubernetes dashboards
  • Added alerts for RabbitMQ for PCF queue depth
  • Added dashboards compatible with loggregator version 101.4
  • Service name for CF Apps alerts is now configurable


  • Fixes app request at cloudfoundry dashboards
  • Fixes expr for unassigned shards and node count at elasticsearch dashboards
  • Fixes a problem with a grafana script not being compatible with CentOS stemcells


  • Added migrate_from_prometheus_1.yml op-file to allows migrations from Prometheus v1
  • All grafana dashboards are now store inside folders
  • The alertmanager slack configuration now sends alerts when they are resolved
  • monitor-kubernetes op file now enables kubernetes API servers and kubelets service discovery
  • Added op files to enable proxy properties on several components
  • cf_exporter client uses now read only privileges (cloud_controller.admin_read_only)
  • Bump cf-routing release to v0.174.0
  • Bump postgres relase to v28



  - name: prometheus
    version: 22.0.0
    sha1: b2c97721e1f8db7ffce2f849e02afe62e3005de7