Module to enable rate limit per service in Netflix Zuul.
There are five built-in rate limit approaches:
- Authenticated User
- Uses the authenticated username or 'anonymous'
- Request Origin
- Uses the user origin request
- Uses the request path of the upstream service
- Global configuration per service:
- This one does not validate the request Origin, Authenticated User or URI
- To use this approach just don't set param 'type'
Note: It is possible to combine Authenticated User, Request Origin and URL just adding multiple values to the list
This project is available on maven central
Add the dependency on pom.xml
Add the following dependency accordingly to the chosen data storage:
- Redis
- Consul
- Spring Data JPA
- InMemory
implementation there's no need to add any extra dependency other
Sample configuration
key-prefix: your-prefix
enabled: true
repository: REDIS
behind-proxy: true
default-policy: #optional - will apply unless specific policy exists
limit: 10 #optional - request number limit per refresh interval window
quota: 1000 #optional - request time limit per refresh interval window (in seconds)
refresh-interval: 60 #default value (in seconds)
type: #optional
- user
- origin
- url
limit: 10 #optional - request number limit per refresh interval window
quota: 1000 #optional - request time limit per refresh interval window (in seconds)
refresh-interval: 60 #default value (in seconds)
type: #optional
- user
- origin
- url
There are three implementations provided:
- uses ConcurrentHashMap as data storageConsulRateLimiter
- uses Consul as data storageRedisRateLimiter
- uses Redis as data storageSpringDataRateLimiter
- uses Spring Data as data storage
Property namespace: zuul.ratelimit
Property name | Values | Default Value |
enabled | true/false | false |
behind-proxy | true/false | false |
key-prefix | String | ${} |
default-policy | Policy | - |
policies | List of Policy | - |
Policy properties:
Property name | Values | Default Value |
limit | number of calls | - |
quota | time of calls | - |
refresh-interval | seconds | 60 |
type | [ORIGIN, USER, URL] | [] |
If your application needs to control the key strategy beyond the options offered by the type property then you can
supply a custom RateLimitKeyGenerator
implementation adding further qualifiers or something entirely different:
public RateLimitKeyGenerator rateLimitKeyGenerator(final RateLimitProperties properties) {
return new DefaultRateLimitKeyGenerator(properties) {
public String key(HttpServletRequest request, Route route, RateLimitProperties.Policy policy) {
return super.key(request, route, policy) + ":" + request.getMethod();
Spring Cloud Zuul Rate Limit is released under the non-restrictive Apache 2.0 license, and follows a very standard Github development process, using Github tracker for issues and merging pull requests into master. If you want to contribute even something trivial please do not hesitate, but follow the guidelines below.
This project uses Project Lombok to generate getters and setters etc. Compiling from the command line this shouldn't cause any problems, but in an IDE you need to add an agent to the JVM. Full instructions can be found in the Lombok website. The sign that you need to do this is a lot of compiler errors to do with missing methods and fields.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].
Any doubt open an issue.
Any fix send me a Pull Request.