In this repo you'll find apps and enhancements for owncloud.
Embedd roundcube interface in owncloud
- OwnCloud 4.5+ (tested with 4.5.0 - 4.5.5)
- Mailserver with IMAP-Support
- Roundcube Webmailclient (tested with roundcubemail-0.8)
- fixed security issues
- SSL Proxy issues
- problems with OC 5
- fixed layout issues
- more meaningfull log debug
- minor code refactoring
- fixed windows resize error
- fixed db and saving issues
- fixed db issues
- improved error messaages
- added top navigation row
- improved db support
- removed dependency to bookmarks app
- improved logging
- minor bug fixing
- OC 4.5 compatibility
- minor bug fixing
- fixed login issues on OC 4.0.x/4.5.x
- fixed toolbar issue
- fixed not configurable toolbar appearance
- fixed errors on OC 4.0.7 - 4.0.8 leading to not loading app
- fixed configurable header removal
- change API calls
- know issues: App not working with SQLlite
- fixed saved issue (fixes issue #39)
- support for owncloud 4.0.7 (fixes issue #36)
- fixed HTTPS issues (fixes issues #35,#37,#38)
- JavaScript refactoring
- fix OC 4.0.6 issues
- fix login issues
- more debug info
- fixed problem in firefox
- fix SSL errors
- configuration option for rc navbar appearance
- fix JS errors
- fix layout issues
- fix errors with RC 0.7
- fix login error error when already logged into round cube
- added help text in admin area
- fix error when already logged into roundcube
- added more debug information
- setup and update guide added
- refactor debug messages
- fixed login issues
- fixed installation issues
- Edit LDAP user profile including password change
- update picture