A realtime event based library for bitfinex API v2.
Work in progress...
not published on npm yet
npm install --save bitfinex-hero
First thing you need is to pass your Bitfinex API key to create a bitfinex-hero instance. The format of this config looks like:
bitfinex: {
apiKey : '',
apiSecret: ''
IMPORTANT: Some functionalities could not work if you don't allow all the permissions when you generate the API key.
To use this lib, you need to import:
const config = require('../config');
const bitfinex = require('bitfinex-hero');
try {
const bfx = await bitfinex(config);
const { subscribe, unsubscribe, actions, events } = bfx;
} catch (error) {
subscribe, unsubscribe: To start receiving events, just pass a single callback to the method subscribe:
const callback = event => console.log(event);
// to remove the callback listener:
subscribe for public events This is the list of methods you can call to start retreiving information of an specific currency:
subscribeAllFor(currency): To start receiving events form all the public channels of the currency given.
subscribeTicker(currency): To start receiving events form Ticker public channel of the currency gived.
subscribeTrades(currency): To start receiving events form Trades public channel of the currency gived.
subscribeCandles(currency): To start receiving events form Candles public channel of the currency gived.
subscribeBook(currency): To start receiving events form OrderBook public channel of the currency gived.
IMPORTANT: The currency value has to be a string like this: 'BTCUSD' or 'ETHUSD'
const { subscribeAllFor } = bfx;
actions: Check the src/actions folder to keep tracking of the actions available. Ie:
const order = {
type : 'LIMIT',
symbol: 'BTCUSD',
amount: 1,
price : 1
Right now you can check the bitfinex.e2e.test.js to get an idea of how to use it.
Book -> algorithm and much more...
- Ethereum wallet:
- Monero wallet: