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cmccarter edited this page May 4, 2013 · 2 revisions

Conor McCarter Danny McCormack Dolff Hanke Fish Tank User Manual

    Start the program by using 'make' in the animate

directory inside the fishtank directory. Then start the program using 'fishtank.' The fish tank is initialized with one of each of the five different fish. They will swim around the tank for as long as the program runs without any user input. However, the user can impact their motion by right clicking their mouse. This will create a piece of fish food and a bubble where the user clicked. Then, fish within range of the food will swim towards it until it is eaten. The user can add as many pieces of food as he/she wants to. The user can also create bubbles without making food by left clicking the mouse. By hitting the space bar on the screen, the user can add another fish to the tank. This fish will be initialized wherever the user has placed the cursor. Any of the five fish, chosen randomly, will appear where the mouse is when then user hits spacebar. These new fish will behave exactly like the original fish. The user can close the fish tank by typing “q” or clicking on the x to close the window.

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