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@cmkushnir cmkushnir released this 25 Aug 16:28
· 173 commits to main since this release
  • add:
    • d-click on substance|product|technology item in corresponding tab
      will open mbin, search for item id, and scroll to first result in right PAK Item tab.
    • d-click on recipe item in corresponding tab
      will open mbin, search for item id, and scroll to first result in right PAK Item tab.
    • progress while searching on mbin text search tab.
  • change:
    • removed all use of wait cursor.
    • disable mbin cache option if system has < 48 GB physical mem.
    • mbin cache disabled when launch nms via nmsmb (to free mem for game).
    • updated command-line options:
      • no_github - disable querying GitHub for MBINC and NMSMB release info.
      • no_registry - disable saving|loading state from registry on start|stop.
        uses registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\cmkushnir\NMSMB
        user responsible for deleteing registry key if delete NMSMB, there is no uninstaller.
      • p"path" - e.g. p"g:/games/archive/nms/1", if valid game path then adds
        as custom path and adds smiley face icon to toolbar to load it.
        • r#.##.# - e.g. r3.98, specify game release for p"path" option, will use v if not specified.
        • v#.##.#.# - e.g. v3.98.0.1, specify libmbin.dll version for p"path" option, will use r if not specifed.
        • if both r and v specified for p"path" option, will use v.
        • if neither r nor v specified for p"path" option, will lookup nms.exe build date in cmkNMSReleases.txt.
      • lg, ls, lp, auto-load gog, steam, or p"path" if they are detected|specified.
      • e.g. cmkNMSModBuilder.exe p"g:/games/nms/" v3.98.0.1 lp
        will auto-load the game instance at g:/games/nms/ and require libmbin.dll to mod.