- change:
- enable code to convert glsl to spv in cmk.NMS.PAK.SPV.Data class.
ShaderStages is set based on the name containing "COMP", "VERT", or "FRAG".
Options are set to preserve debug info, but no MacroDefinition have been specified (any needed ?).
experimental at this point, but does round-trip spv glsl text. - Text search tab uses cmk.NMS.PAK.SPV.RawToTextVeldridCompute and PAK Item view tab
and scripts use cmk.NMS.PAK.SPV.RawToTextSpirvCross. This allows text search tab to use
quick dll based decompile, while pak item tab and scripts use accurate spirv-cross.
The differences are minor in the output, but enough to prevent Vedrid from recompiling its
own output by default (possibly since game spv are 450 and Veldrid only outputs 430).
- enable code to convert glsl to spv in cmk.NMS.PAK.SPV.Data class.
- add:
- spv specific syntax highlight rules based on csx rules.
todo: tweak for glsl specific things. - cmk.NMS.PAK.SPV has new method SetMain(string) that will replace void main() { string }.
- spv specific syntax highlight rules based on csx rules.
- update:
- mbinc field names e.g. Id to ID, TechType to Type, ...
- scripts, focus on getting to compile and execute, not correctness
- MS Roslyn NuGet package from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1.
- libmbin.dll