Releases: cmkushnir/NMSModBuilder
Releases · cmkushnir/NMSModBuilder
- add: Add support for Pfim Rgb8 (gray scale), Rgba16 (4444), and R5g5b5a1 formats.
- add: NMS.exe launch button (status bar, build tab)
- add: DDS tab to search for dds items using wildcard path search.
- fix: a couple minor bugs (see cmkNMSChange.log for complete list).
- note: had app hang once, was unable to reproduce, report if it happens.
- Significant refactor and cleanup of code.
- Fix: Script rename.
- Add: Ability for plugins to add|replace tabs.
- Add: Ability for plugins to add|replace pak item viewers|differs
- Add: Ability for plugins to add custom viewers for top-level mbin classes.
- Update: Documentation.
- Release: Source code for common dll.
Pre-Alpha for testers.
All aspects still in flux, put in new app folder, don't update your scripts yet as some helper method names may still change.
GitHub API limits your IP to 60 queries / hr, each run of the app will use 0 - 2 of them.
- Can specify name when create new script. Rename script is buggy, don't use.
- Double-click icons to open in PAK Items viewer
- Command-line options
- no_split_tabs : use old ui w/ 1 group of tabs
- no_github : don't access github for app or libMBIN release info, may not be able to view old mod mbins
- no_big_icons : use old icon sizes
- -p"path" : path is full path to a game folder, will add icon to left of gog and steam icons
- -r#.#.# : force game release for -p
- -v#.#.#.# : force libMBIN version for -p
- view Salvage script to see new CloneMbin functionality
- Add: libMBIN tab now includes list of mbins that use a given top-level (bold) class. Double-clicking on mbin will open it in the PAK Items tab.
- Update: Doc's. Still a wip, some screen-shots out of date. Includes some info on scripting API.
- Alpha: Includes 3.60.1 nightly build of MBINCompiler (libMBIN.dll) and updates to cmkNMSReleases.txt to recognize 3.60 and 3.61 releases.