Releases: cmkushnir/NMSModBuilder
Add: Language tab. Allows changing language for game language ID lookups (not app language). Each loaded game instance has its own language. Applies language to language, game items, and game recipes tabs, and mbin viewer language ID double-click lookups.
Change: Add support for Cancel token to pak file reader, collection, and game ForEach type methods; see samle query scripts for example use.
Add : Scripts in the mod list do not need to contain a class that derives from IScriptMod, they can be helper scripts with code available to all other mod scripts.
Add : New Rename button added to script editor toolbar.
Change : Script names no longer need to be sync'd w/ IScript* class name, but since they represent file names must be unique per script type i.e. query vs mod.
Change : App version moved from left to right side of statusbar. Is now a button, when clicked will check GitHub for latest release. If new release available will prompt user to download. Will not auto-install, just downloads latest zip. User must then exit app and update files, taking care that new zip scripts don't overwrite any of the same name the user has updated.
Fix : Selecting unsupported file types e.g. wem audio, would cause app to exit. This was originally intented for testing, but was to be removed for release.
Fix : Selecting a mbin that requires a libMBIN download, and cancelling that download, would cause app to exit. This was originally intented for testing, but was to be removed for release.
Fix - Mod Scripts auto-rename file to match IScriptMod class, Query Scripts failed to do this correctly.
Fix - App was starting w/ resolution of 1100 x 1000. Now displays on primary monitor and will shrink if needed to fit on screen.
Add - App version in status bar.
Tweak - Couple of scripts.