Example plugins for my Discord Bot implementation. These all create custom cogs that inherit from the common CogHeler
class which can use to inherit settings and a database connection (among other things).
Play audio from youtube videos in voice chat. The input can be:
- A string that will be searched in youtube
- A direct youtube link
If spotify api credentials are set in the settings, a spotify album url or playlist url can be given as input, which will be used to search for the songs on youtube. If youtube api credentials are given, a a youtube playlist url can be given, which will add all songs in the youtube playlist.
Songs will be placed into a queue to be downloaded, then added to a play queue for the server to be played in order. The queue can be modified to skip songs, remove songs, bump songs to the top of the queue, and shuffle the queue. A history of the songs played will also be kept until the bot is closed.
Playlists can be created to store video ids to be played. Playlists can be created manually, created from the history of songs played, or created from songs that are currently in the queue.
Playlists will not be created unless a database engine is provided in the config.
Spotify api options will only be used if spotify api credentials are provided.
Youtube api options will only be used if youtube api credentials are provided.
There is an optional feature to enable "audio processing" on downloaded videos, which will normalize the audio to a common decibal level, and remove empty audio from the beginning and end of a downloaded file.
There is an optional feature to enable file caching, which stores files locally and keeps them around after the bot is closed. This allows files to be re-used later instead of being re-downloaded.
bump Bump item to top of queue
clear Clear all items from queue
history Show recently played songs
join Connect to voice channel.
play Request a song and add it to the queue.
playlist Playlist functions.
random-play Play random songs from history
remove Remove item from queue.
shuffle Shuffle song queue.
skip Skip the song.
stop Stop the currently playing song and disconnect bot from voice...
Playlist functions.
cleanup Remove items in playlist where we cannot find source
create Create new playlist.
delete Delete playlist
item-add Add item to playlist.
item-remove Add item to playlist
item-search Find item indexes in playlist that match search
list List playlists.
merge Merge second playlist into first playlist, deletes second play...
queue Add playlist to queue
rename Rename playlist to new name
save-history Save contents of history to a new playlist
save-queue Save contents of queue to a new playlist
show Show Items in playlist
General args that can be used.
Max Song Length: maximum length of a song that can be added to queue, in seconds Download Dir: Directory where audio files with be downloaded Queue Max Size: Maximum length of the queue Enable Audio Processing: Run normalize audio function via moviepy Server Playlist Max: Max length of created playlists Enable cache files: Enable local cache files Max cache files: Maximum number of local cache files to keep before removing
queue_max_size: 256
max_song_length: 3600
server_playlist_max: 64
download_dir: /tmp/discord
enable_audio_processing: true
enable_cache_files: true
max_cache_files: 1024
Optional args that can enable spotify and/or youtube playlists.
spotify_client_id: secret-spotify-client
spotify_client_secret: secret-spotify-client-secret
youtube_api_key: secret-youtube-api-key
Uses Markov Chain to mimic chat in discord channels.
Use the command on
to have the bot read message history for a given channel. Once turned on in a discord channel, reads channel history to get its data set. There is a loop which will automatically gather new text data, and there is a setting for how far back in time we will keep chat history. For text messages in that channel, it takes text and breaks down each message into "leader" and "follower" pairs. For example, given the text:
Hey you guys should check out this cool song
It will generate the following pairs:
- "hey" (leader) and "you" (follower)
- "you" (leader) and "guys" (follower)
- "guys" (leader) and "should" (follower)
- etc ...
Then can use the speak
command to generate a random sentence from channel history.
To mimic user messages, a word can be chosen at random or entered into the command. Given a that word, it finds which pairs have that word as a leader, and which words follow that word. It then calculates the chances a follower comes after a leader word. For example, given the leader word "hey", there might be a 10% chance the next word is "there", a 25% chance the next word is "everybody", and so on. In then uses weighted random chance to pick the next word, then uses this word as the leader, and repeats the process for either 32 words by default, or a larger amount of words if specified in the command.
Markov functions
off Turn markov off for channel
on Turn markov on for channel
speak Say a random sentence generated by markov
Type !help command for more info on a command.
You can also type !help category for more info on a category.
Allows a bot to set so certain roles can add/remove other roles. Useful if you have a server with a pretty complicated heirarchy structure.
Example Config
- <do not show list of users for this role id>
- <role-you-dont-want-ppl-to-edit-id>
- <user being added must already have this role>
- <but only needs one of these roles>
- <role-id-which-can-add-any-role-to-any-user>
- <role-id-which-controller-can-add-or-remove-from>
only_self: True # Optional arg, user can only add/remove themselves to this role
Then you can use commands like
!role list # list all roles
!role available # list roles user controls
!role add @user @role # add user to role
!role remove @user @role # remove user from role
"Required Role" - You must have this role to use the bot for any role "Managed Role" - A role "managed" by another role, where the role that manages can add/remove users from "only self" - Users can only add/remove themselves from this role "Rejected Roles" - Roles not listed at all in any context "Override Roles" - Role which can add/remove any role to any user w/o checks
If you want one role to be able to add users to another role, the most basic use case. In the case where you have membership in a channel based on a role, and you want people to add each other easily.
Use role_controls
, add the ID of the controller role as a key, then under controls
add a list of roles you want them to "control", meaning add/remove users.
If you want one role to be able to add/remove themselves to and from another role, use the only_self
flag and set to true. This is for a set of roles you want people to be able to add and remove themselves them from in a self service fashion. This is similar to a role assignment message bot.
Generate message with all roles.
Users can reply to this message to add roles to themselves.
Lookup a word in urban dictionary and get a definition.
Lookup word on urban dictionary
search: str [Required]
The word or phrase to search in urban dictionary
word No description given