This project aims at implementing a HTTP server from scratch in C++.
The project features has been heavily load tested through concurrent automated testing (Götto).
Features can be tested through a static website.
make && ./webserv \[config_file_path\]
Go to http://localhost:18000 and clic on buttons.
0/ Get
1/ Hash message
2/ Upload
3/ Delete
4/ Redirects
5/ Error testing
Conf: "/config/two_ports.config"
rootDirOfServ: "./forest"
curl -v -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" -F filename=@large_text_file.txt http://localhost:18000/
curl -v -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" -F filename=@large_video_file.mp4 http://localhost:18000/
curl -v -H 'Content-Length:' -F filename=@small_text_file.txt http://localhost:18000/
Webserv can be tested with a Go tester named "GÖTTÖ".
TUI done with bubbleTea.
1/ Stress test
2/ Static Pages integrity test
3/ Upload files