Frontend website for Habibi Code/ACM full stack workshop to work with the To-Do backend
In the interest of developing an MVP for our backend, we want to support a subset of the core functionality required for a working to-do application. For this workshop, this includes:
- Render all of the existing To-Do Lists to the screen when the page loads
- Allow new lists to be added
- Update the display when a new list is added
- Allow new items to be added to existing lists
- Update the display when a new item is added to an existing list
- Allow users to mark an item as "complete"
For future iterations and additional exploration, we would also like to:
- Add CSS Styling to make the page more visually appealing
- Add support for the additional backend operations, like Delete List and Update Item
- Add persistence to item "complete" status, which is not a field that is stored in the database