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Coding logic of the contract upgrading renders upgrading contracts impractical #742

code423n4 opened this issue Jan 3, 2023 · 9 comments
2 (Med Risk) Assets not at direct risk, but function/availability of the protocol could be impacted or leak value bug Something isn't working disagree with severity Sponsor confirms validity, but disagrees with warden’s risk assessment (sponsor explain in comments) downgraded by judge Judge downgraded the risk level of this issue fix security (sponsor) Security related fix, should be fixed prior to launch M-02 primary issue Highest quality submission among a set of duplicates selected for report This submission will be included/highlighted in the audit report sponsor confirmed Sponsor agrees this is a problem and intends to fix it (OK to use w/ "disagree with severity")


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205	/// @notice Upgrade a contract by unregistering the existing address, and registring a new address and name
	/// @param newAddr Address of the new contract
	/// @param newName Name of the new contract
	/// @param existingAddr Address of the existing contract to be deleted
209	function upgradeExistingContract(
			address newAddr,
			string memory newName,
			address existingAddr
		) external onlyGuardian {
			registerContract(newAddr, newName);
216	}

Function ProtocolDAO.upgradeExistingContract handles contract upgrading. However, there are multiple implicaitons of the coding logic in the function, which render the contract upgrading impractical.

Implication 1:
The above function upgradeExistingContract registers the upgraded contract first, then unregisters the existing contract. This leads to the requirement that the upgraded contract name must be different from the existing contract name. Otherwise the updated contract address returned by Storage.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", contractName))) will be address(0) (please refer to the below POC Testcase 1). This is because if the upgraded contract uses the original name (i.e. the contract name is not changed), function call unregisterContract(existingAddr) in the upgradeExistingContract will override the registered contract address in Storage to address(0) due to the use of the same contract name.

Since using the same name after upgrading will run into trouble with current coding logic, a safeguard should be in place to make sure two names are really different. For example, put this statement in the upgradeExistingContract function:
require(newName != existingName, "Name not changed");, where existingName can be obtained using:
string memory existingName = store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", existingAddr)));.

Implication 2:
If we really want a different name for an upgraded contract, we then get into more serious troubles: We have to upgrade other contracts that reference the upgraded contract since contract names are referenced mostly hardcoded (for security considerations). This may lead to a very complicated issue because contracts are cross-referenced.
For example, contract ClaimNodeOp references contracts RewardsPool, ProtocolDAO and Staking. At the same time, contract ClaimNodeOp is referenced by contracts RewardsPool and Staking. This means that:

  1. If contract ClaimNodeOp was upgraded, which means the contract name ClaimNodeOp was changed;
  2. This requires contracts RewardsPool and Staking to be upgraded (with new names) in order to correctly reference to newly named ClaimNodeOp contract;
  3. This further requires those contracts that reference RewardsPool or Staking to be upgraded in order to correctly reference them;
  4. and this further requires those contracts that reference the above upgraded contracts to be upgraded ...
  5. This may lead to complicated code management issue and expose new vulnerabilites due to possible incomplete code adaptation.
  6. This may render the contracts upgrading impractical.

I rate this issue as high severity due to the fact that:
Contract upgradability is one of the main features of the whole system design (all other contracts are designed upgradable except for TokenGGP, Storage and Vault ). However, the current upgradeExistingContract function's coding logic requires the upgraded contract must change its name (refer to the below Testcase 1). This inturn requires to upgrade all relevant cross-referenced contracts (refer to the below Testcase 2). Thus leading to a quite serous code management issue while upgrading contracts, and renders upgrading contracts impractical.

Proof of Concept

Testcase 1: This testcase demonstrates that current coding logic of upgrading contracts requires: the upgraded contract must change its name. Otherwise contract upgrading will run into issue.
Put the below test case in file ProtocolDAO.t.sol. The test case demonstrates that ProtocolDAO.upgradeExistingContract does not function properly if the upgraded contract does not change the name. That is: the upgraded contract address returned by Storage.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", contractName))) will be address(0) if its name unchanged.

	function testUpgradeExistingContractWithNameUnchanged() public {
		address addr = randAddress();
		string memory name = "existingName";

		address existingAddr = randAddress();
		string memory existingName = "existingName";

		dao.registerContract(existingAddr, existingName);
		assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), true);
		assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), existingAddr);
		assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", existingAddr))), existingName);

		//@audit upgrade contract while name unchanged
		dao.upgradeExistingContract(addr, name, existingAddr);
		assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", addr))), true);
		//@audit the registered address was deleted by function call `PtotocolDAO.unregisterContract(existingAddr)`
		assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", name))), address(0));
		assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", addr))), name);

               //@audit verify that the old contract has been de-registered
		assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), false);
		assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), address(0));
		assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", existingAddr))), "");

Testcase 2: This testcase demonstrates that current coding logic of upgrading contracts requires: in order to upgrade a single contract, all cross-referenced contracts have to be upgraded and change their names. Otherwise, other contracts will run into issues.
If the upgraded contract does change its name, contract upgrading will succeed. However, other contracts' functions that reference the upgraded contract will fail due to referencing hardcoded contract name.
The below testcase upgrades contract ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2. Then, contract Staking calls increaseGGPRewards which references hardcoded contract name ClaimNodeOp in its modifier. The call is failed.

Test steps:

  1. Copy contract file ClaimNodeOp.sol to ClaimNodeOpV2.sol, and rename the contract name from ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2 in file ClaimNodeOpV2.sol;
  2. Put the below test file UpgradeContractIssue.t.sol under folder test/unit/;
  3. Run the test.
    Note: In order to test actual function call after upgrading contract, this testcase upgrades a real contract ClaimNodeOp. This is different from the above Testcase 1 which uses a random address to simulate a contract.
// File: UpgradeContractIssue.t.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import "./utils/BaseTest.sol";
import {ClaimNodeOpV2} from "../../contracts/contract/ClaimNodeOpV2.sol";
import {BaseAbstract} from "../../contracts/contract/BaseAbstract.sol";

contract UpgradeContractIssueTest is BaseTest {
	using FixedPointMathLib for uint256;

	address private nodeOp1;

	uint256 internal constant TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY = 22_500_000 ether;

	function setUp() public override {

		nodeOp1 = getActorWithTokens("nodeOp1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
		ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);

	function fundGGPRewardsPool() public {
		// guardian is minted 100% of the supply
		uint256 rewardsPoolAmt = TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY.mulWadDown(.20 ether);
		ggp.approve(address(vault), rewardsPoolAmt);
		vault.depositToken("RewardsPool", ggp, rewardsPoolAmt);

	function testUpgradeExistingContractWithNameChanged() public {
		staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);

                //@audit increase GGPRewards before upgrading contract - succeed
		staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);
		assert(staking.getGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1)) == 10 ether);

		//@audit Start to upgrade contract ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2
		//@audit upgrad contract
		ClaimNodeOpV2 nopClaimV2 = new ClaimNodeOpV2(store, ggp);
		address addr = address(nopClaimV2);
		//@audit contract name must be changed due to the limitation of `upgradeExistingContract` coding logic
		string memory name = "ClaimNodeOpV2";

		//@audit get existing contract ClaimNodeOp info
		address existingAddr = address(nopClaim);
		string memory existingName = "ClaimNodeOp";
		//@audit the existing contract should be already registered. Verify its info.
		assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), true);
		assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), existingAddr);
		assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", existingAddr))), existingName);

                //@audit Upgrade contract
		dao.upgradeExistingContract(addr, name, existingAddr);
		//@audit verify that the upgraded contract has correct contract info registered
		assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", addr))), true);
		assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", name))), addr);
		assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", addr))), name);

		//@audit verify that the old contract has been de-registered
		assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), false);
		assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), address(0));
		assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", existingAddr))), "");

		staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);

                //@audit increase GGPRewards after upgrading contract ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2
		vm.prank(address(nopClaimV2)); //@audit using the upgraded contract
		//@audit revert due to contract Staking using hardcoded contract name "ClaimNodeOp" in the modifier
		staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);

Tools Used

Manual code review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  1. Upgrading contract does not have to change contranct names especially in such a complicated system wherein contracts are cross-referenced in a hardcoded way. I would suggest not to change contract names when upgrading contracts.
  2. In function upgradeExistingContract definition, swap fucnction call sequence between registerContract() and unregisterContract() so that contract names can keep unchanged after upgrading. That is, the modified function would be:

205	/// @notice Upgrade a contract by unregistering the existing address, and registring a new address and name
	/// @param newAddr Address of the new contract
	/// @param newName Name of the new contract
	/// @param existingAddr Address of the existing contract to be deleted
209	function upgradeExistingContract(
			address newAddr,
			string memory newName,  //@audit this `newName` parameter can be removed if upgrading don't change contract name
			address existingAddr
		) external onlyGuardian {
  		unregisterContract(existingAddr);  //@audit unregister the existing contract first
		registerContract(newAddr, newName);  //@audit then register the upgraded contract
216	}

POC of Mitigation:

After the above recommended mitigation, the below Testcase vefifies that after upgrading contracts, other contract's functions, which reference the hardcoded contract name, can still opetate correctly.

  1. Make the above recommended mitigation in function ProtocolDAO.upgradeExistingContract;
  2. Put the below test file UpgradeContractImproved.t.sol under folder test/unit/;
  3. Run the test.
    Note: Since we don't change the upgraded contract name, for testing purpose, we just need to create a new contract instance (so that the contract instance address is changed) to simulate the contract upgrading.
	// File: UpgradeContractImproved.t.sol
	// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
	pragma solidity 0.8.17;

	import "./utils/BaseTest.sol";
	import {ClaimNodeOp} from "../../contracts/contract/ClaimNodeOp.sol";
	import {BaseAbstract} from "../../contracts/contract/BaseAbstract.sol";

	contract UpgradeContractImprovedTest is BaseTest {
		using FixedPointMathLib for uint256;

		address private nodeOp1;

		uint256 internal constant TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY = 22_500_000 ether;

		function setUp() public override {

			nodeOp1 = getActorWithTokens("nodeOp1", MAX_AMT, MAX_AMT);
			ggp.approve(address(staking), MAX_AMT);

		function fundGGPRewardsPool() public {
			// guardian is minted 100% of the supply
			uint256 rewardsPoolAmt = TOTAL_INITIAL_GGP_SUPPLY.mulWadDown(.20 ether);
			ggp.approve(address(vault), rewardsPoolAmt);
			vault.depositToken("RewardsPool", ggp, rewardsPoolAmt);

		function testUpgradeContractCorrectlyWithNameUnChanged() public {
			//@audit increase GGPRewards before upgrading contract - no problem
			staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);

			staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);
			assert(staking.getGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1)) == 10 ether);

			//@audit Start to upgrade contract ClaimNodeOp
			//@audit upgraded contract by creating a new contract instance
			ClaimNodeOp nopClaimV2 = new ClaimNodeOp(store, ggp);
			address addr = address(nopClaimV2);
			//@audit contract name is not changed!
			string memory name = "ClaimNodeOp";

			//@audit get existing contract info
			address existingAddr = address(nopClaim);
			string memory existingName = "ClaimNodeOp";

			//@audit new contract address is different from the old one
			assertFalse(addr == existingAddr);
			//@audit the existing contract should be already registered. Verify its info.
			assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), true);
			assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), existingAddr);
			assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", existingAddr))), existingName);

                        //@audit Upgrade contract
			dao.upgradeExistingContract(addr, name, existingAddr);
			//@audit verify the upgraded contract has correct contract info registered
			assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", addr))), true);
			assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", name))), addr);
			assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", addr))), name);

			//@audit verify that the old contract has been de-registered
			assertEq(store.getBool(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.exists", existingAddr))), false);
			assertEq(store.getString(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("", existingAddr))), "");
			//@audit The contract has new address now. Note that: existingName == name
			assertEq(store.getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("contract.address", existingName))), addr);

			//@audit increase GGPRewards after upgrading contract ClaimNodeOp to ClaimNodeOpV2
			staking.stakeGGP(10 ether);

			vm.prank(address(nopClaimV2)); //@audit using the new contract
			//@audit Successfully call the below function with hardcoded contract name "ClaimNodeOp" in the modifier
			staking.increaseGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1), 10 ether);
			//@audit Successfully increased!
			assert(staking.getGGPRewards(address(nodeOp1)) == 20 ether);
@code423n4 code423n4 added 3 (High Risk) Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly bug Something isn't working labels Jan 3, 2023
code423n4 added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 3, 2023
C4-Staff added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 6, 2023
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Exceptional value, making primary

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c4-judge commented Jan 9, 2023

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as primary issue

@c4-judge c4-judge added the primary issue Highest quality submission among a set of duplicates label Jan 9, 2023
This was referenced Jan 9, 2023
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emersoncloud marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

@c4-sponsor c4-sponsor added the sponsor confirmed Sponsor agrees this is a problem and intends to fix it (OK to use w/ "disagree with severity") label Jan 11, 2023
@0xju1ie 0xju1ie added the disagree with severity Sponsor confirms validity, but disagrees with warden’s risk assessment (sponsor explain in comments) label Jan 16, 2023
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0xju1ie commented Jan 16, 2023

Not sure if this is considered a high since there isnt a direct loss of funds?

Medium: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

@0xju1ie 0xju1ie added the fix security (sponsor) Security related fix, should be fixed prior to launch label Jan 20, 2023
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In spite of the lack of risk for Principal, a core functionality of the protocol is impaired.

This has to be countered versus the requirement of the names being the same, which intuitively seems to be the intended use case, as changing the name would also break balances / other integrations such as the modifier onlySpecificRegisteredContract

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The other side of the argument is that the mistake is still fixable by the same actor within a reasonable time frame

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GalloDaSballo commented Feb 2, 2023

I believe the finding is meaningful and well written, but ultimately the damage can be undone with a follow-up call to registerContract

Because of this am downgrading to Medium Severity.

@c4-judge c4-judge added 2 (Med Risk) Assets not at direct risk, but function/availability of the protocol could be impacted or leak value and removed 3 (High Risk) Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly labels Feb 2, 2023
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c4-judge commented Feb 2, 2023

GalloDaSballo changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

@c4-judge c4-judge added the downgraded by judge Judge downgraded the risk level of this issue label Feb 2, 2023
@c4-judge c4-judge added the selected for report This submission will be included/highlighted in the audit report label Feb 8, 2023
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c4-judge commented Feb 8, 2023

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as selected for report

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2 (Med Risk) Assets not at direct risk, but function/availability of the protocol could be impacted or leak value bug Something isn't working disagree with severity Sponsor confirms validity, but disagrees with warden’s risk assessment (sponsor explain in comments) downgraded by judge Judge downgraded the risk level of this issue fix security (sponsor) Security related fix, should be fixed prior to launch M-02 primary issue Highest quality submission among a set of duplicates selected for report This submission will be included/highlighted in the audit report sponsor confirmed Sponsor agrees this is a problem and intends to fix it (OK to use w/ "disagree with severity")
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