This is a Laravel/PHP package for Redx BD Courier System. This package can be used in laravel or without laravel/php projects. You can use this package for headless/rest implementation as well as blade or regular mode development. We created this package while working for a project and thought to made it release for all so that it helps. This package is available as regular php composer package.
- Fetch Redx delivery area list
- Create new store
- Store list
- Store details
- Create new parcel
- Parcel details
- Parcel tracking
- PHP >=7.2
- Laravel >= 6
composer require codeboxr/redx-courier
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codeboxr\RedxCourier\RedxCourierServiceProvider"
After publish config file setup your credential. you can see this in your config directory redx.php file
"sandbox" => env("REDX_SANDBOX", false),
"access_token" => env("REDX_ACCESS_TOKEN", ""),
REDX_SANDBOX=true // for production mode use false
use Codeboxr\RedxCourier\Facade\RedxCourier
return RedxCourier::area()->list();
use Codeboxr\RedxCourier\Facade\RedxCourier
return RedxCourier::store()
"name" => "", //store name
"phone" => "", //store contact person
"area_id" => "",
"address" => "",
use Codeboxr\RedxCourier\Facade\RedxCourier
return RedxCourier::store()->list();
use Codeboxr\RedxCourier\Facade\RedxCourier
return RedxCourier::store()->storeDetails($storeId);
use Codeboxr\RedxCourier\Facade\RedxCourier
return RedxCourier::order()
"customer_name" => "",
"customer_phone" => "",
"delivery_area" => "", // delivery area name
"delivery_area_id" => "", // area id
"customer_address" => "",
"merchant_invoice_id" => "",
"cash_collection_amount" => "",
"parcel_weight" => "", //parcel weight in gram
"instruction" => "",
"value" => "", //compensation amount
"pickup_store_id" => "", // store id
"parcel_details_json" => ""
use Codeboxr\RedxCourier\Facade\RedxCourier
return RedxCourier::order()->orderDetails($trackingId); // After successfully create order they given a tracking_id
use Codeboxr\RedxCourier\Facade\RedxCourier
return RedxCourier::order()->tracking($trackingId); // After successfully create order they given a tracking_id
Contributions to the Redx package are welcome. Please note the following guidelines before submitting your pull request.
- Follow PSR-4 coding standards.
- Read Redx API documentations first
Redx package is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright 2022 Codeboxr