With SeeClickFix now integrated with the City of Macon's Public Works department, citizens should be able to report neighborhood issues. This application aims to help citizens without internet access report issues through SMS text messages.
The format for sending issues should be an address followed by an issue.
123 Some St. Garbage cart lid is broken and falls off cart.
These issues will then be added to SeeClickFix through the Open311 API (using the Three wrapper). Text messages will be received using SMSified.
The application makes use of several enviornment variables -- which you should know about if you're planning on extending or adapting it. Currently, to get set up on Heroku, here are the ones used.
heroku config:add OPEN311_API_KEY=seeclickfix_api_key
heroku config:add SMS_USER=smsified_username SMS_PASS=smsified_password
Locally, you can export
these environment variables in your terminal.
export OPEN311_API_KEY=seeclickfix_api_key
export SMS_USER=smsified_username
export SMS_PASS=smsified_password
In order to actually connect with the SeeClickFix system, a
variable will also need to be set.
heroku config:add PRODUCTION_ENV=true