Sakila REST API Service (Sample Project)
This REST API service provides access to the Sakila database, which is a sample database provided by MySQL for learning and testing purposes. The Sakila database models a DVD rental store company, includes data about films, actors, customers, rentals, and more.
This service provides a simple way to perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the Sakila database. It also provides endpoints to perform more complex queries.
Microservices version is go to:
- Java 17
- Gradle 7
- MySQL 8
For a complete list, see the gradle/libs.versions.toml
- Spring Boot Web
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring HATEOAS
- Spring REST Docs
- Lombok
- Querydsl
- MapStruct
An external MySQL database is required to run the application. The external database can be run as a MySQL docker container or as on-premises process (MySQL Community Downloads). After installation, follow the Sakila database official guide to create the database structure and populate the data. See the link for examples of configuring your environment:
# GitHub CLI
gh repo clone codejsha/spring-rest-sakila
# Git CLI
git clone
Before you can use the Sakila REST API Service, you need to configure the database connection settings. The database connection settings are defined in the application.yaml
file. The default settings are as follows:
# application.yaml
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sakila
username: sakila
password: sakila
The default URL settings for the application API endpoint are as follows:
# application.yaml
port: 8080
context-path: /api/v1
scheme: http
host: localhost
port: ${server.port}
// build.gradle.kts
openapi3 {
// ...
postman {
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1"
// ...
cd spring-rest-sakila
bash ./gradlew build
bash ./gradlew bootRun
The Sakila REST API Service exposes the following some endpoints. Each endpoint supports CRUD operations.
- Actors:
- Customers:
- Films:
- Payments:
- Rentals:
- Reports:
- Staffs:
- Stores:
API references are generated by Asciidoctor in Spring REST Docs.
The OpenAPI specification file openapi3.yaml
can be rendered using the Swagger UI. The specification is generated by Spring REST Docs.
The Postman collection file postman-collection.json
contains the endpoints and examples of requests and responses. The collection is generated by Spring REST Docs.
The application provides observability features using Spring Boot Actuator and Micrometer.
- Actuator:
- Prometheus:
# application.yaml
include: "health,prometheus"
exclude: "*"
The sample data is from MySQL Sakila sample database. It is a relational database model for a DVD rental store which contains data related to films, actors, customers, rentals, and more. The database also serves views, stored procedures, and triggers.