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SWC-to-babel NPM version Build Status Coverage Status

Convert SWC JavaScript AST to Babel AST.

To use SWC parser with babel tools like:

The thing is @babel/parser has a a little differences with swc standard:

  • File node exists;
  • Program instead of Module;
  • loc with line and column instead of span;
  • StringLiteral has no kind an hasEscape;
  • Identifier has no optional and uses name instead of value;
  • BlockStatement has body instead of stmts;
  • VariableDeclarator has no optional and definite;
  • CallExpression has no typeArguments, spread and expression properties in arguments;
  • TemplateElement has value field with raw and cooked;
  • TypeScript ast nodes has prefix TS instead of Ts;
  • ExportNamedDeclaration instead of ExportDeclaration;
  • ExportDefaultDeclaration instead of ExportDefaultExpression;
  • VariableDeclaration has no declare field;
  • Has no ParenthesisExpression;
  • ClassDeclaration and ClassExpression uses id instead of identifier, has ClassBody;
  • ClassMethod uses static instead of isStatic;
  • MemberExpression has computed property instead of Computed node in property field;
  • NewExpression has no untyped node with a spread property in arguments, always has arguments field, instead of null when absent;
  • ArrayExpression has no untyped node with a spread property in elements;
  • Function has no typeParameters;
  • TSTypeReference has no typeParams field;
  • TSTypeOperator has operator instead of op;
  • TSTypeParameter has a field name which is string instead of Identifier;
  • FunctionDeclaration instead of FunctionExpression with identifier field;
  • ImportDeclaration has importKind instead of typeOnly and attributes fields;
  • ObjectProperty instead of KeyValueProperty, KeyValuePatternProperty and AssignmentPatternProperty;
  • ExportNamedDeclaration has exportKind, specifiers fields;
  • ExportSpecifier has local which is never null instead of orig;
  • ExportDefaultDeclaration has declaration instead of decl;
  • TSAnyKeyword instead of TSKeywordType;
  • TSAsExpression instead of TsConstAssertion;
  • ObjectMethod with kind: get instead of GetterProperty;
  • ObjectMethod with kind: set instead of SetterProperty;
  • TSMappedType typeParameter.constraint, instead of typeParameter;
  • etc...

swc-to-babel aims to smooth this differences.


npm i swc-to-babel


const swc = require('@swc/core');
const toBabel = require('swc-to-babel');
const traverse = require('@babel/traverse').default;

const ast = toBabel(swc.parseSync(`
    const f = ({a}) => a;

    ObjectProperty(path) {
        // output

API reference

 * Convert an SWC ast to a babel ast
 * @param ast {Module} SWC ast
 * @param {string} [src=""] Source code
 * @returns {ParseResult<File>} Babel ast
export default function toBabel(ast: Module, src?: string): ParseResult<File>;
