Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links. I Guess This Will Be Usefull For Many People.....😇.
- Fully customisable.
- Customisable welcome & Forcesub messages.
- More than one Posts in One Link.
- Can be deployed on heroku directly.
- Protect Content to Prevent Forwarding
- Auto-Delete Files After a Configurable Time
These features are in the pipeline, and contributions from the community are welcome!
- Channel Join Request
Implement a feature that prompts users to join a specified Telegram channel before accessing the bot's functionalities.
- Check the contribution guidelines for detailed instructions.
- Pick any feature and create a new issue or comment on an existing one.
- Discuss your implementation plan with maintainers to align your contributions with project goals.
We encourage all developers to contribute ideas, report bugs, and share improvements. Together, we can make this project even better! 🚀
- Add the bot to Database Channel with all permission
- Add bot to ForceSub channel as Admin with Invite Users via Link Permission if you enabled ForceSub
Check This Tutorial Video on YouTube for any Help
Thanks to Erich and his InFoTel for this Video
The fastest way to deploy the application is to click the Deploy to Koyeb button below.
git clone
cd File-Sharing-Bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create appropriately>
/start - start the bot or get posts
/batch - create link for more than one posts
/genlink - create link for one post
/users - view bot statistics
/broadcast - broadcast any messages to bot users
/stats - checking your bot uptime
Your API Hash from my.telegram.orgAPP_ID
Your API ID from my.telegram.orgTG_BOT_TOKEN
Your bot token from @BotFatherOWNER_ID
Must enter Your Telegram IdCHANNEL_ID
Your Channel ID eg:- -100xxxxxxxxDATABASE_URL
Your mongo db urlADMINS
Optional: A space separated list of user_ids of Admins, they can only create linksSTART_MESSAGE
Optional: start message of bot, use HTML and fillingsSTART_PIC
Optional: URL or file path of the image to be sent as the start messageFORCE_SUB_MESSAGE
Optional:Force sub message of bot, use HTML and FillingsFORCE_SUB_CHANNEL
Optional: ForceSub Channel ID, leave 0 if you want disable force subPROTECT_CONTENT
Optional: True if you need to prevent files from forwardingAUTO_DELETE_TIME
Set the time in seconds for automatic file deletion. Default is False, which disables auto-deletion.JOIN_REQUEST_ENABLED
Optional: Set to "True" to enable join request for the channel. Default is "False".
put your custom deletion text if you want Setup Custom deletion messaeg,AUTO_DEL_SUCCESS_MSG
Set your custom success message for when the file is successfully deletedCUSTOM_CAPTION
put your Custom caption text if you want Setup Custom Caption, you can use HTML and fillings for formatting (only for documents)DISABLE_CHANNEL_BUTTON
Put True to Disable Channel Share Button, Default if FalseBOT_STATS_TEXT
put your custom text for stats command, use HTML and fillingsUSER_REPLY_TEXT
put your text to show when user sends any message, use HTMLDATABASE_NAME
Your mongo db session name
- User first name{last}
- User last name{id}
- User ID{mention}
- Mention the user{username}
- Username
- file name of the Document{previouscaption}
- Original Caption
- Bot Uptime
Join Our Telegram Group For Support/Assistance And Our Channel For Updates.
Report Bugs, Give Feature Requests There..
- Thanks To Dan For His Awsome Libary
- Our Support Group Members
FILE-SHARING-BOT is Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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