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Cow is the front-end component of the coinosis project.

Clone & install

  1. Clone the cow repository on branch 'dev'
  2. run the dependency installation inside the cow directory
git clone -b dev
cd cow
npm install


npm run start:dev [loclx-id]

The optional loclx-id argument is only needed if running locally; it's the one you specified when you ran owl.

After cow is running, point your web3-enabled browser to http://localhost:9000.

Optionally, install AutoFill to help you fill out credit card forms. Import the autocomplete data from this file.


  1. Run webpack -p --define process.env.ENVIRONMENT="testing'"
  2. Serve the contents of the dist/ folder
  • In order to deploy to production, change the environment value to production.


submit your changes

Create a pull request targeting the dev branch